That Was Quick

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That May of 2016, I was waiting for the team to get back from a case where Jay was undercover. They were trying to bust a drug ring.

I was talking to them remotely, when the line went dead as they started running through the airport.

"Guys... Hank?! Jay?? Adam!?" I panicked.

"Callahan! We need a missing persons stat!" Hank finally yelled out.

"For who?!" I panicked again.


"WHAT?? Okay.. I'm going. Wait.. Do you really want that?? Or do you guys just wanna track?"

"Good point. Track his phone! Now!"

I sniffed back panicked tears as I entered his undercover phone into the tracking system.

Even though I was employed by the FBI, and knew the federal systems, Hank wanted to ensure I knew the local systems too. I wasn't in the field with them, unless I pushed or was really needed. It was good for me to well rounded. I always took some to become a certified psychologist in Illinois too, in case I hung around for a while.

They were at a airport where the deal was going down, and I tracked Jays phone no farther then the hanger he was last heard from.

Al called Erin at some point, since she and Jay had a 'thing.' They needed the extra body to help get Jay back. I guess she went to talk to Hank because I didn't see her until she showed up at the station the next day. She didn't talk to Hank for long, she just wanted Jay back. As we all did.

As much as I hated knowing Jay was God knows where, with God knows who, getting God knows what done to him, a part of me was counting my blessings that it wasn't Adam. I was getting feelings for Adam, fuck.

While we were looking for the people who took him, we received a file from this unknown server, which I started to trace, the video was awful.. it was of Jay, getting the living shit beat out of him, tased too. It brought tears to my eyes. He never once said gave them any information about him or the unit. We were able to locate him, and Erin went into extraction mode. She was able to get him back and kicked some ass in the process. She then told some sob story to get hank to let her come back to intelligence.

She left quicker than she came back though; she beat the fuck out of a kidnapper while he was in custody, and got the new girl, Hailey Upton in some hot water too. Pissed me the fuck off. Haley is a badass bitch.

As a result of Erin fucking up so badly, we (the FBI) commissioned her, and in order to keep Intelligence together, Hank gave her up. Shocked the fuck out of me. Thankfully Hank cares about the unit, and people's jobs more than her.

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