The Chicago Way

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The next day, I arrived back in Chicago and was met at the airport by no one. Thank God. Taking an Uber to my house by myself was very nice.

I got out of the car and approached my house, there sitting on my porch was Adam Ruzek. He had the biggest smile on his face, which made me smile too. "Adam?! What're you doing here?"

"Wanted to see you when you got back.." he shrugged.

"Sweetie, it's 8am. I was going to work today.." I chuckled as I walked past him and opened my door. He didn't follow me.

"You coming?" I gestured for him and he ran toward me.

"I missed you!"

"Oh?" I laughed. "I couldn't tell tell. I was only gone for like a month.."

"But it was all the longer I had to wait to do this again..." he pressed his lips against mine and I jumped into his arms, wrapping my legs around his torso. He leaned me back against my living room wall and gripped me tighter.

"Adam..." I breathed. "Aren't you and Kim.."

"Shh.. I don't wanna talk about her." He hissed as he pressed me against the wall.

"My beds up there.." I lazily pointed up my steps.

He pulled me off of the wall with a massive smile and jogged up the steps, with me hanging onto him like a koala in a tree, laughing the whole way onto my bed.

"Good thing I'm wearing sweats," I laughed as I took my sweater off and threw it on my chair in my room.

"And I still wanted to jump you as soon as I saw you.. damn." He smiled.

"Just shut up and come here.." I smiled. He dropped his jeans and jumped on my bed like a baby bunny. He made me laugh like no one else. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into me, and we collided into each other. I took control, and kissed my way down to his exposed dick. I put the tip in my mouth, and made eye contact with him; he let his head drop back and I smirked as I started to suck.

Just as he was nearing release, his phone rang. He waved his hands and I sucked harder and faster. His phone rang again, and I brought both hands to stroke the base of his shaft and he came heavily with a grunt. He answered his phone, after it rang for the fifth time, while I laid next to him and helped myself along.

He hung up and looked terrified, "that was sarg... we're late.."

"We can't be that... HOLY FUCK?! It's 10:30?!" I yelled as he showed me his phone. "Go! I'll catch up."

"Nope.. we're going together! Just throw jeans on.. you know he doesn't care!"

"Ugh!" I threw on new jeans and a belt, fixed my hair and followed Adam downstairs. I locked my door, and we ran to his car.

We walked into the precinct just before eleven, and walked straight to our desks. No one said a word to us, until Hank called us into his office.

We walked in and both stayed standing. "What time are you to be here in the morning?" Hank yelled.

Adam answered, "between 8:30 - 9:00am sarg.."

"And what time did two waltz in here this morning, like nothing was wrong?!" He was really angry now.

I answered this time, holding back tears "10:50
Han... I mean sarg."

"Exactly. That's almost two hours late!"

"I'm sorry sir.. it's my fault..."

"Listen, Callahan. If you wanna sleep your way through my squad, go right the hell ahead.. just do it on your own time, and do not jeopardize my team! Understood!?"

"Sarg.. it wasn't her!" Adam said.

"Ruzek, not now. Callahan, understood?!"

"Yes sir.." I sniffed and walked out. Adam followed me out. I ran down to the locker room and lost it.

"Adam.. I'm so sorry!" He pulled me in for a hug.
"Don't be, it's okay.." he said.

"I know the team heard what he said.. and you're in hot water now!"

"Don't worry about it, it's just how sarg is.. you know that."

"Do you think of me that way Adam? Be honest. Do you think I'm just sleeping my way around?!"

He kissed my forehead, "not at all. You're allowed to do whatever you want with whoever you want Regan.."

"I slept with you and Kevin though.." I gulped. "And guys from SVU.. but it doesn't mean I.."

"You don't have to explain Regan.." he kissed the top of my head. "I still wanna get to you know you.." he chuckled.

"Ugh.. I do too. And that's what I'm afraid of. I have major commitment issues Adam.. you do not wanna go down this road with me."

He hugged me tighter, "we need to go back upstairs." He grabbed my hand and I followed him to the top of the stairs where we let go. He was already my favorite fuck.. and I didn't even get through Jay or Antonio yet. Dammit.

The Doctor Is In (Law & Order: SVU and Chicago PD) Where stories live. Discover now