Chapter 1: The Crazy Game Called Love

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Jake's Point Of View (POV):
'Another school day packed with drama and fighting... lovely.' I think to myself while my "friends" start walking towards me laughing. "Well guess this chaotic day has just begun," I mumble out loud. "Hey Jakey!", the green-haired boy says. They all walk over and start talking about the same thing that they always talk about. Like Henry and Liam bicker about Stacy and her mum... Drew talks about his gold-digger of a girlfriend and all that crappy stuff. And while they talk I try to pretend to listen while I really just zone out and think about life and my feelings instead of talking and thinking about material items and not good things and people. "Jake!", the leader of them says (Drew) "Are you even listening to me?!", he starts. "Ummmm ya totally Drew... hehe," I lie. "Okay..." and then he starts to talk again me zoning out once again until I hear one of my favorite voices... Daisy. "Good morning, Jake," the white-head says as she waves and starts to walk away slowly. "H-hi D-daisy. G-good morni-ng to you as well," I stumble out as I hear her giggle in the distance and I start to blush myself to death. 'That was smooth', I say in my head. "Could you be any more obvious, dude," I heard Liam say trying not to laugh his ass off. "Ya Jake why don't you just ask her out already," Henry says laughing. "I-I'm just waiting for the right moment!", I retorted. "You've been waiting for the "rIgHt MoMeNt" for years!", he says mocking me. "Just admit it... your chicken!", he says then making some weird chicken noises that make me think his brain is melting and turning into lettuce as Milly said to me earlier yesterday.

Until I hear one of my "friends" slightly scream "Hey Freaks!", which causes me to groan because this is when my daily dose of drama and fighting escalates. "Oh look it's the monkeys who have nothing better to do than walk around and pick on people," and I looked up to see Hailey and Zander. I look at Hailey and a small blush creeps up my face, and I see Henry glance at me blushing with a sly smile. "Oh look Jakey, it's your music girlfriend~", he says which makes Zander give him and me the death glare causing me to jump back slightly and making Henry look like he was about to run away. "Come on Hailey, we have better things to do than hang around these idiots," the purple-head says very unamusedly. "Right...", Hailey says. "Bye... freaks," Draw says as Hailey and Zander start to walk away until Hailey says to Jake, "I'll... I mean we'll see you in music practice during lunch... bye" "R-right... s-see you then," I say stumbling on my words causing my "friends" to give me a sly smile. Hailey smiles and starts to catch up to her brother who is talking with Luke and seeming to be a bit nervous talking to him. (Your welcome Lander stans)

After Hailey, Luke and Zander are all out of sight I realized that I was blushing and my heart was beating faster than normal even faster than when I talk to Daisy. And then I look at my "friends" who are looking at me with big sly smiles until Drew breaks the silence and says, "Wow you move on fast" as he starts to laugh a little. "W-what do you mean?", I say genially being confused but having a hunch of what they were implying. "You know what we mean... you like Hailey," says Drew with that evil smile on his face. "Jake and a music freak... could be better," says Liam." Jake likes a freak!", Henry screams. "I-i uhhh d-do not!", I say knowing that I'm blushing madly. "Mhmm sure whatever you need to say to sleep at night~," Liam says. "Yeah... buy why a freak Jake?", Henry asks still laughing... "Hey! Don't call her that!", I yell. "Ooooo look at Jake defending his little music girlfriend~", Drew says looking at me still blushing. "Whatever guys... I have class I'll see you later," I lie so I can walk away.

I go to the library, sit in a corner in the back, and pull out a piece of paper and a teal biro. I look at the subtly radiant color and automatically think of Hailey and what I felt not too long ago. I felt a way I only experienced around Daisy... but it increased by 5. 'Do I really like Hailey in that way? Or am I confused?' And then I take the paper and scribble at the top, "Loved With Your Love... for someone when I figure it out..."  Thinking about it, I've never been too good with feelings. Although I'm not too proud to admit, I am one of those guys who finds many girls attractive... but I never really do anything about it. I've asked out a handful of girls before but never felt a spark with them. I get starstruck and waver when it comes to someone I genuinely fancy, like Daisy and Hailey. So, I get scared to do anything about it cause I know I'll taint what we already have.

"And I've tried 'bout a million times; but I can't seem to get it right"

Loved With Your Love {Jailey Story (Jake X Hailey)}Where stories live. Discover now