I looked up at Matthias, the tears glistening in my eyes and he stared at me, frowning and cupped my face.

"What's wrong?" He asked and I glanced down at the letter before looking back up at him.
"Have you read this?" I asked and he shook his head, looking down at it.
"It's for you too." I said and he looked surprised.
"Read it out for me Cata." He said softly, placing an arm around me and pulling me in closer, resting his head on mine.

'This is to Matthias, if you're reading this I just want you to know that I completely regret it, doing that to you. Not only did I betray Iris, I almost killed one of her blood and an innocent human being. I couldn't ever get myself to visit you at the hospital and I could never look you in the eyes when you were around. I was scared Matthias, I was scared that you would hate me. I was too much of a coward to face you. I don't expect you to forgive me, nor do I want you to, I just want you to know that I do regret it. I can't even explain to you how sorry I am and it will never amount to show you how much I truly do wish that I had never done that. I hope that you're at a good and safe mindset now and I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for not hating me when you came back. You were still kind to me even after knowing that it was me. Your kindness made me feel even guiltier and I just couldn't face you anymore. You're a special man and I wish you the best. Maybe in another lifetime we could meet and get along, but for now I just can't live with myself like this. Please look after Iris and Caterina for me, that's the only thing I ask of you. Thank you again Matthias.'

I finished reading out Matthias' part of the letter to him and we both sat in silence, too surprised to not say anything. I looked at Matthias, who was staring off into the distance. I squeezed his arm comfortingly and he looked down at me.

"You okay?" I asked and he nodded.
"She was a great person. I really do wish that I could've spoken with her more to get rid of some of that guilt she was holding in, but I don't hate her. I never have and never will." He said, more to himself.

"She's right Matthias. Thank you for not treating her any differently. You really are a kind person." I said to him and kissed his hand softly.

"I never thought of treating her any differently. She did what she had to do in order to survive and make a living for the person she loved. I know that I would always do that as well, for the person I love, without any hesitation." He stared down at me and I opened my mouth in surprise at what he was trying to say to me.

I barely blinked before he placed his lips on mine. The kiss was long, sweet and passionate and I craved more. I broke the kiss to breathe in and Matthias grabbed my face, pulling me in for another long kiss. He let go, not before pecking my lips a couple of times.

I looked back down at the letter and began to read.

'Ethan, I love you, I hope you know this. I think I've loved you for a long time now, ever since I first saw you at the club when I was drunk out of my mind and you took me back to my apartment. I still remember that night, you looked after me and was never repulsed at the sight of me throwing up all over your shoes. Sorry again for that.
When we became closer and when I started to see how you were around Angelo I fell in love with you so much more. You never treated me differently and cared for me so much. Even if you never loved me Ethan, I don't ever regret falling in love with you. I'm a lucky girl for getting to experience to love you and be in your presence. I've always imagined having a family with you, maybe one day in another lifetime we can, but not in this one.
Please don't blame yourself Ethan, this is something that I made a decision on and no one could change my mind. I love you and will always love you Ethan, go out there and have fun and meet someone new. I only ask of you to look after Angelo, I leave him in your care. Please make sure my son grows up in a safe environment, I know that I won't have any worries with him growing up with you, I think he see's you as a father figure already. Thank you Ethan and I love you always.'

I sniffled as I read Ethan's part of the letter. It was so heart touching and I couldn't imagine Ethan's reaction to it.

'Caterina. My sweet Caterina. You're so kind to me and such a lovely young woman. I know you forgave me for what I had done, but the guilt unfortunately has stayed with me to the very end. You've become a real sister to me that I've never had and I'm always and forever in your debt for your kindness and the way you treated me. Thank you so much for always checking up on me, even though I never actually told you what was wrong with me, you never stopped asking and for that, I'm so thankful. I know this may have come as a surprise to you, seeing as we had only talked a couple of days ago, you were the last person I spoke to, besides Ethan.
You have such a beautiful soul and I'm touched to have experienced it. You've always shown me how much you cared for me endlessly. Please don't blame yourself over anything, even if you had stuck around more to ask what was wrong, I still don't think I could've ever told anyone. It seems selfish of me to take this route, but I'm really sorry.
Just promise me one thing Caterina, as we had discussed before, promise me that you'll get together with the man you truly love and have a beautiful family with him and be happy for the rest of your life. This is all I ask of you my sweet Caterina.'

I burst into tears all over again, my heart squeezing from pain. Matthias wrapped his other arm around me brought me into him, kissing my head repeatedly.
"I just miss her so much. I wish she was here. I just want to see her again, why did it have to be like this?" I cried and Matthias held my face in his hands. He brought his face in close and kissed my tears that were trailing down.

"You're always going to miss her Caterina, that's fine. I know you want her here, we all do, but we know that isn't possible. She'll forever be in our hearts Caterina. She'll be watching over you, don't think that she's completely gone."

"Thank you Matthias." I sniffled and he wiped my tears away nodding. He pecked my lips softly and sweetly.
"Anytime Caterina. You mean so much to me." He whispered.

I love you Matthias. So, so much.

A/N:HAPPY NEW YEAR! Wow it's 2021 already, how long yet so fast has this year gone

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HAPPY NEW YEAR! Wow it's 2021 already, how long yet so fast has this year gone. It's truly been a crazy year, but we all made it. I hope each and all of you a prosperous and wonderful year ❤️✨
This chapter is really long, I was going to add in Iris' part of the letter in this chapter as well, but I decided to later make that a bonus chapter, which will be at the end of this story.
I hope you guys enjoyed and stay safe!
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Until then

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