Two-bit and pony

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- ok so pony looked up to two-bit a lot

- two may be a drunk but he can vary well Handel himself in a fight with a smile on his face and pony looks up to that

- two loves pony like his loves his sister

- but two pulls a lot of pranks on him

- two walks pony everywhere .to the library, to restraints , DX

- two picks up and takes pony to school

- he goes to all of his track meats

-and cheers for him relly loudly

- pony's twos best friend

- pony helped two with his baby sister

- two was there when pony was born

- he was darry friend so he was around when ponyboy was born

- two has been in the gang the longes aside form darry

- two is kind like another older not so responsible  brother

- two slams the door juts to mess with him

- two alwys messes up pony's hair

- two sees pony as a younger brother

- can be said he's protective of the kid

- has punch Steve for making the kid feel bad

- noes how to cheer him up

- oh I do not ship it at all

- pony make positive to add twos favorite   beer to the grocery  lest

- not a huge fan of Nicky but will watch it for two

-man components in helping pony learn how to fight

- stays in school not juts because he like it but also to keep an eye on pony

- pony nags at two a lot like a mother two would say

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