Dally and johnny

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( ok so it's an ok ship but I see them as brothers)

- they met when johhny was 10 and  dally was 11

- dally juts moved to Talus

- the Curtis pareants saw him being beaten up by older kid so they took ,him in a cleaned him up

- johhny was there and that's how they met

- Jonny looks up to dally

- he basically worships the ground he walks on

- whenever dally walks in he ruffles Johnny and ponyboys hair

- he goes to see him at the lot from time to time

- he's betting up johhny good for nothing dad a few times

- chiped in with ponyboy to by his Jean jacket

- the only times he's ever cryed was when he saw johhny get really Beaton up and he let a tear slip and when Johnny died he couldn't cuntaned his sadness

- after Jonny was beatun up he went out looking for those good for nothing soucs  for weeks

- he vowed he will kill every souc out there

- ok so whenever there on the couch together  you know dally would have his arms on the top part of the couch and Johnny would be next to him

- in heaven Jonny just slapped his forehead when dally dies

- Jonny really doesn't like it when dally goes to jail

- he gets relly nervous  but he never says anything

- Johnny feels better when he smells dally cigarettes

- whenever in a fight/rumbal dally  always stays nere ponyboy and johhny to make shore there ok

- dally secretly doesn't want Johnny to end up like him

- if Johnny ever in a mess with the fuss he takes the blame

- dally would take a bullet for Johnny

-johhny sometimes has nightmares and if dally there hill wake him up

- he wouldn't try and confetert him but he will just be there for him

- and if they were in a romantic relationship

- dally would try and not go to jail to much

- he Wouldn't  stop doing illegal stuff he's juts try's more to hide it our slowed it down a bit

- Johnny made him watch at least 1 sunset each week

- share cigarettes

- johhny always sleeping over at bucks with dally

- they went vary slow with the sexual part

- Johnny was real scared about it and dally tryed to understand and be slow with him

- Johnny fidgets with the back of dallys jacket when he's nervous

-they clean each other cuts our bruises

- dally try's to keep his head whenever he's around Johnny

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