Dally and darry

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( don't ship them juts wanted to exspaned on there relationship )

- darry is one of the few people dally respects

- dally will never admit it but he sees darry as an older brother

- he really only shows the slighted bit of emotions.

- and if so when he's really sad our angry he goes to darry

- whenever dally and darry get into a fight dally backs down because he knows it will get bloody

- dally was one of darrys closes friends when they were younger

-darry the only one allowed to ruffians dallys hair

- dally comes to darry for advice

- dally is vary thankful that darry never locks his door

- darry always patches up dally when he gets into a big fight

- After the events of the book and dally doesn't die I thank he would end up moving into the Curtis home

- and darry would make dally get a descent job

- he would because he would be so thankful to darry for letting him stay

- but hill never say it out loude

- dally ends up seeing the curts as brothers

- and darry as his older brother

- he had a rough Time picking who would be his best man at his wedding if he had one

- Johnny our darry ?

- if they were to be in a relationship

- I feel like darry would be the only one to truly top dally

- they don't do physical contact in front of people and barely in private

- it's mostly juts In joying one Another's company

- it took forever for the gang to fined out

- but not because they were hiding it . It juts they never show any sines that they were together

- i feel dally would have anxiety and ptsd and that would be the few Times they cuddle

- they might not hug and cuddle but they do have sex

- they also show there love for one another by small gifts and jesters

- dally gives darry some of his favorite snacks our cleans the house . Our makes dinner to show his love

- darry makes dallys favorite food our get him a pack of smoke our get a pack of his favorite beer

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