Soda and steve

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- they met when they were really young around 5

- they met when Steve was running away from him dad and ran into soda

- at first steve was real jealous of soda

- he was always so popular with the girls in kindergarten

- but he soon found out there was more to him

- Steve was relly scared of darry in the beginning but soda defended him

- Steve try's all of sodas food even if he knows it's not going to be good just to make him happy

- Steve knows that soda will put his brothers over everyone and anything ,even him

-and he has come to terms with it

- he dose still get jealous when he first gets a new girlfriend

- he hates it when there in the hunny moon faces and soda doesn't spend time with him

- but after that he has to reluctantly share him with not only his brothers but a girl too

- but it's ok they work at the same place

- they love to go swimming in the lake

- double dates

- he's not a fan for ponyboy because he take up all of sodas time

- but also he knows that sodas slightly jealous of his brother

- he thanks if he can be mad at ponyboy soda Doesn't  have to

- soda hates Steve dad with a passion

- he always ask if Steve whanst to crash at there place

- when they were young soda was never allowed over there

- loves to sing but he's bad

- but Steve still lesson to him and clapped when he's done

- soda top people are




-Steve top people




- soda feeds Steve cake sometimes

- plays in the mud together

- whenever Steve has a bad day soda makes him his favorite  snack

- bear and cake

- if they were in a relationship

- soda would kiss Steve on the noes a lot

-driving around town just chilling with one another

- shares a coke when they go to the movies

- dinner dates a lot

- they like to turn on the radio and dance together

- Steve gets jealous easily

- but oddly soda doesn't

- soda stops flirting with people when he starts to date Steve

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