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sam's pov-

being 93 pounds is disgusting. i wish to be thinner, a perfect 70 pounds is what i only dream of being. it's not because i'm anorexic that i wish to be thin. it's because i'm so fucking fat and ugly the only way to fix it is to be skinny.

Honestly I consider my self, a little far from normal. I wear all black, occasional red or white, I love beanies and Vans. I don't really have friends.. and I guess i know why...
The kids at my school call me too skinny, too freaky, too goth, too grundge, too punk, too dark, too creepy, ect. I could honestly go on forever!
But, it doesn't really get to me. I'm used to no boys liking me, no girls friending me, no teachers wanting to talk to me.

It was a dark and lonely world for me, but I'm not scared. It seems like all people keep distance, and I'm left with myself.

"Sam, I'm running to the store, be back soon. The new neighbours are coming to dinner this evening" my mom call up the stairs to my slightly closed door.
"I remember, see Ya soon" I say calmly, continuing to study myself in the mirror on the wall.
The front door opened, then clicked shut again, leaving me alone in silence. Being an only child with a single mom makes things worse when you're alone, and my mom basically lives out of town for work.

These new neighbours arrived four days ago officially, after the old people cleared out. I know they have a single mom as well, and boy around my age, and a little baby girl. I'm nervous as fuck because there's a guy coming over and I'm an ugly fetus.

Ugh, why am I so mirror shattering??!
I shuffle over to my walk in closet and flick through the hung items of clothing. Black, black, black, grey, black, red, white, black. Basic closet colours in my life.

I whipped through the rows of hanging clothes annoyedly, searching for something decent. I finally came across something half decent. It was a black, slightly baggy hoodie with the words 'dirty ghetto kids' on the back centre. I matched it with black ripped skinny jeans, and all black vans.
I slipped my jeans on and placed my hoodie on the bed, before walking into my bathroom. I left my natural straight hair down, pulled to either side of my head. I re-did my mascara lightly, and changed my nose piercing to a silver stud.

An hour and a half or so my mom had arrived home, started dinner, and tidied the living room. I sat up in my room, scrolling through Tumblr on Mac book. After 20 minutes or so the door bell rang, and I closed my Mac before heading down the stairs.
My moms heels clicked against the hard wood floors over to the door, as she pulls open the door.

A tall, mid 30 year old women with short dirty blonde hair, and dark brown eyes. In her arms was a small baby, no older that one, with light little blonde hairs and baby blue eyes. Behind her, shuffled a tall, muscular boy with dirty blonde hair and crystal blue eyes as beautiful as ever. As he walks through the door, I unexpectedly freeze on the bottom step just staring at him. I was off in space when he softly cleared his throat, as I snapped my attention back to my mom who began to speak.

"Come on in, nice to see you Kate" my mom smiled at the women.
"Thanks for having us over Mia, your house is gorgeous!" She explained back, as they both step in further.
"Thank you, this is my daughter Samantha" my mother says, gesturing to my frozen self at the stairs.
"Hello Samantha, how old are you?" Kate asks shaking my hand.
"Hi, you can call me Sam, and I'm in grade ten I'm fifteen." I smile back.
"That's nice, my boy over here is Luke, he's in grade eleven." She smiled pointing to luke, as he stood behind her.
"He'll be attending your school on Monday" she smiled.
"Who's this little cutie?" I ask looking down at the baby.
"This is April, she's 6 months" Mrs.hemmings replied back.
"Well, Kate can come with me. Sam? Would you give luke a tour?" My mom asks. I cry inside, but nod.

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