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Luke's POV-
It's been a week since I kissed her, and we've gotten no where.
We're just friends, in her mind. I've just learned to go with the flow. And plus, I don't care about relation ship statuses.. I just wanna be with her.

School has been okay, and nobody has attempted to bother her yet. Except... Marie.

She's been a class A bitch face, and I'm told it's pretty normal.
I seemed to make friends quickly in all my classes. Sam was always with Mrs. Chay, so I never had the chance to share a class with her.
Most people around here are cool, except for the extreme poplars that every school contains.

The football team, the cheer leaders, and the queen bitches..
Marie, Amber, Taylor, Jessa, and Rachel.
Marie runs them though, and she keeps them all well trained. To me, it's more like whipped or some voodoo shit. She has an insane hold over them.

The other teams and regular popular students are nice, and they were never ones hurting Sam.

It was Marie and the queen bitches. The whole cheer squad plus them, never left her alone. And I knew one thing for sure, Marie already has her eye on me.

Samantha's POV-
I let it go to far, by letting him in and then kissing back.
I feel bad because I had no plan in being his friend. I can't be his friend, once he has enough other ones he'll know that too

It's only been a week, and I have this guilt inside me and stabbing at me. Luke deserves better though, he doesnt deserve me. I guess he'll just have to find out what I am. I looked down at my sleeve ad rolled it up to see the huge fresh cuts and older scars down the inside of my arms.

I stand up and shuffle over to my closed window, and I slowly latch it open.

"Luke, come here" I say, having doubts fly through my head as I wait on the ledge of my window. He quickly appears through his half opened window, and his eyes light up. My stomache gets this stabbing internal pain, as I see how happy he is. I try not to look him in the eyes, before I open my mouth to talk.

"Come in" I say quietly, before hopping off the ledge to let him in. He soon appears in my room, and loks up at me despreatly.

"I thought I'd never see you again" he says suprised, looking at me with wide eyes, beautiful wide eyes.

"I invited you here, to show you why you can't be my friend" I say, making quick eye contact before looking down again. He moves closer, and I can feel the warmth of his body as he brshes against me. Shivers spike down my spine, as he comes close.

"What would that be then?" He asks shakily.

I slowly pull up my sleeves, turning my arms in the reveal all the cuts and gashes.

"Sam its-"

"Shhh" I cut him off, pulling my shirt off revealing my scared and burned stomach and hips, along with my tiny frame.
Then I pull down my track pants to my knees, revealing all the huge cuts seeping down my thigh to my knees. All burned up and bruising lightly all around, as well as the bruises covering my arms.

"This is what I am" I say quietly, looking up at him in shame. Before he can say anything, I pull my pants back to my waist, and I walk over to my bathroom.
He follows me and leans against the door frame looking in. I open the bottom drawer and pull out all the hunger stopping pills, the anxiety pills, the bipolar control meds, the depression tablets, and the vitamins I need due to my size and lack of food. I pull it all on the counter, and step back looking up at him.

"Sam I don't give a shit about this stuff" he says, hugging me.

"No, you should care" I say, and pull away. I feel bad, but I'm not ready.

"Bye Sam" he whispers, before he shuffles over to his room.



Luke's POV-

It's been two whole fucking months since I walked out of Sam's room.

I've made friends, avoided Marie, and made it through the weeks without Sam. I miss her like hell, but I know she's unstable. I never see her in the halls, and she's rarely even with Mrs. Chay. My mom has grew to be close friends with Sam's mom, and we are invited over alot. I usually don't come, and Sam never came with her mom to my place. I really wanted to have her, since the first time I saw her face. Ad now all I do is regret walking away that night.

My mom has, yet again, plans with Mia, and my mom really wants me to come over. I have decided to go, for my mom. She sounds worried, but maybe she's just tired so I ignore her tone.

I put on my black "Vans off the wall" muscle tee, and some grey and ripped skiny jeans. I slip on my all black conerse and walk down stairs to my mom.

"Hey, Luke grab April we have to go" She says, pulling her heels on.

I grab April from the swing she was in, and open the front door. By the time we get to the door, my legs are shaking and I'm nervous. I just wish I didn't end up feeling like this.

Once we were inside, we went over to the dinner table and all began to eat.
Sam wasn't at the table, and she hadn't been downstairs at all. Mia seemed to mope about, and my mother wasn't saying much.
"Uh, where's Sam?" I ask cluelessly, pausing from eating.

I look up to see Mia's face go almost pale, as she drops her fork.
"Um well" She begins, clearing her throat.
"Sam's in the hospital"

ahhh is sam ok?
make sure to vote + pleaseee check out my other stories (sorry for all this self promo im lame)


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