Depuis le début

"Yeah, good thing I finished it yesterday when Cheer practice ain't starting yet"

I only humm as I put the last sentence to complete my answer before shutting my notebook and putting it back in my bag along with my pen

"Good for you then," I said as rub her back


We continue our conversation as we wait for our friends to arrive

"EU! naneun dasineun sul-eul masiji anh-eul geos-ibnida! nae meoliga teojil geos gat-eun neukkim" I heard Jay Hyung  grumble as he sat down in front of me And Yesha
(Ugh!!! I am never going to drink again! I feel like my head is going to explode)

"yeogi" I said as I gave him what I gave Alessia (Here)

"gamsahabnida! sin-ui ilbon-in yeonghon-eul chugboghagileul" (Thank you! May God bless your  Japanese soul)

I laugh lightly at what he said before I hear a groan

"Can you please speak English? I feel like you two are cursing me in your language" we laugh at her before saying sorry

"Niki, how come you can speak Korean if you're Japanese?"

"Uhmm, because when I was a kid and still live in Japan my mom hired me a tutor because I can't go to school yet and she hired a Korean one so she taught me," I said shrugging

"How about you Jay? How can you speak Japanese and Chinese?"

"Well before going here I went to a preschool in China I think and my father wants me to speak at least 3 languages other than English, and so I learned Chinese, Korean, a little bit of french. I self-taught on how to speak Japanese, I like watching animes so I learn a few words from it, and yeah"

"What you guys gonna do on New year?" Alessia asked

"I think I'm going home, it's been a while since I came home," I said

"Yeah, maybe I'll go back to Korea"


We continue our conversation and soon our friends came in one by one and join our conversation

"Where's Sunoo? He's usually early" Heeseung Hyung asked looking around

The others nodded too confused as to why Sunoo isn't here yet

"He's probably still in bed hangover, he drank so much last night," Jake said as he sipped his Starbucks

I roll my eyes and bite my tongue before I said something inappropriate in front of my friends especially Ally is here

"Have you heard though? There are new students coming in today, I think they're from Turkey or something" Sunghoon Hyung said

"Where did you heard it from?" Jungwon Hyung asked

"Boy, I think you forgot that news spread fast in this school"

I nodded and noticed that Mila Is too quiet and looks deep in thought

I was about to ask her if she's ok when the door to the cafeteria opens and comes in, Sunoo with a man...
The same man he's with last night

 The same man he's with last night

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