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nothings gunna hurt you baby , cigarettes after sex


y/n stood there in shock, not even comprehending the moment until she was dropped by tsukishima and he was running over to tendou and ushijima. y/n screamed and jumped into semi's arms.

"HEY PAPIIIII😩😩" she yelled, fake moaning. semi laughed, spinning her around. "hey kitten😼" he bit his lip, laughing harder. she wrapped her arms around his neck and refused to let him put her down.  semi hugged her tighter. "i missed you so much semi semi." she whined, kissing his cheek over and over again. he raised his eyebrow. "i was gone one week?? you saw me last thursday". the girl in his arms groaned, rolling her eyes. "well that's a week too long, i need to see you all the time otherwise i may die!" she fake cried, holding onto him like a koala. he tried to put her down, sighing when he realized she wouldn't let go. he looked to the girls brother for help. "nah man, i cant help you youre on your own!" he shouted from across the gym, smirking. he flipped him off.

y/n kissed his cheeks and lips over and over again. "cheek, lips, cheek, lips." she mumbled, going back and forth. semi smiled, rocking side to side with her. "are you going to let me put you down now? i have to warm up." he told her, kissing her cheek as well. she pouted. "but you just got here!!! play volleyball and hold me at the same time!". semi let out a loud snort. "baby as much as i'd love to do that either you or me would get hurt". she pouted more, putting on her best puppy dog eyes. "no, no, baby don't give me that face, please don't look at me like that." he muttered, holding her cheeks. "god you're so cute why do you have to be so cute." he smushed her face, shaking it side to side in his hands. "pleaseeeee semiiiiiiiiiii!!" she whined, hugging him harder.

bokuto laughed and came up next to them, kuroo dancing on some mats. semi stared at the two boys awkwardly. y/n jumped down and started doing the macarena. "HEYYYYYY MACARENA!" the three of them shouted at the same time, causing semi to shake his head. he took this as a moment to escape, running quickly away from his girlfriend who was now yelling at him to come back. everyone in the gym laughed.

( just a forewarning everyone will have different contact names cus a bitch can't remember the old ones rn)


placenta and gang 🐢‼️

bruh i cannot believe semi
just ran away from me like dat.

levy wevy🌸
bruh the disrespect

daddy akaashi😩
facts that was hella sus

do you even know
what sus means

daddy akaashi😩
do you?

fair enough.

semi semi ure so mean

semi semi 🥰‼️
go cry about it

glasses inc .
why is y/n crying?

glasses inc. (2)

hey tsukishima

y/nhey tsukishima

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glasses inc. (2)

daddy akaashi😩yeah i got nothing

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daddy akaashi😩
yeah i got nothing.

arent you supposed to be the funny one?

daddy akaashi😩

levy wevy🌸bruh i-

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levy wevy🌸
bruh i-


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