"So what shall we play today." Mary said

"Air hockey?"

"Oh you wanna play air hockey?"


"Ok, let's go play air hockey."

Alice rolled sideways off Mary and landed chest first on the floor. Mary stared at Alice, then she slowly stood.

"You ok there bruh."

Muffled noises came from the floor.

"Alright bruh."

Mary walked over to the air hockey table. Alice stood up a moment later and joined her. Soon, the game had started. Mary won the first few rounds; mocking Alice with each victory.

"Get on my level!" Mary shouted.

Alice scored a perfect shot the instant Mary's alarmwent off.

"WAIT, that doesn't count!" Mary shouted, "The daily photo alarm distracted me."

Alice held a very satisfied smile.

"Next... Our favorite." Alice said.

"Ohh? You mean YOUR favorite." Mary smiled.

            With the air hockey game over, they took a photo together and went towards the next game. It was an old arcade shooter game, the kind with the bright red and blue plastic guns. They started it up, got past the high score screen, and loaded the game. Mary stared at the high scores with annoyance plastered on her face.
1st Alice 1,604,550
2nd Apple 1,100,990
3rd Mary 653,700
4th MLnAE 545,600
5th Vare bear 250,350

Once again a tiny smile emerged on Alice's face as they started it up.

"How many hours have you invested in this game again bruh?"

"I've played until the scourge of dark rose, bringing its fiery death."

"Bruh just say dawn."

"Nahhh." Alice smiled.

They both grabbed a plastic gun and began to play. Then played for hours. Soon, they were close to surpassing Alice's first place score. However Mary was low on health, and just as she noticed her life dwindling, she died. Alice was alone, but she continued onward. Mary leaned her head on Alice, who died a moment after surpassing the high score.

NEW HIGH SCORE! AEnML 1,604,600.

"Bruh, we just barely beat that..." Mary said.

Mary stared at the numbers for a long time.

"I died before you did."

Alice looked at Mary, worry could be seen on her face. Mary quickly looked away, suddenly checking her phone.

"BRUH! It's two am!" Mary shouted, "Man no wonder I feel so tired... I need to go to bed."

"My room?"

"Oh HELL naw!" Mary said, "It's too late to be stumbling in a room painted black with neon purple lights... Besides... All your skulls, fake spiders, and creepy dolls freak me the fuck out."

"Yeah well, your room looks like a lab."

Mary smiled and raised an eyebrow.

"You got beakers, and sciencey... SHUT UP!" Alice blushed furiously.

"Yeah... My place it is bruh."

Mary nodded her head as Alice smiled. They left the arcade room; the shooter game still flashing the high score in the background. As they walked down the hall, they could hear the hum of a sewing machine coming from Cherries room. Seemed he was still up, finishing online orders for his website.

A bit of light guitar music was heard coming from Varen's room. Did nobody sleep here? In the distance, Rust was seen doing janitorial duties. Noche and Hectares room were both silent. Alice opened the door to Mary's room as Mary noticed something wrong.

"My medicine!" Mary said, "Alice I left it in the classroom. I'm sorry, I have to go pick it up. See you tomorrow yeah?"

Alice frowned for a moment, then nodded her head with a smile, and Mary was off. She approached the classroom door and noticed it was still open. Inside she saw Noche asleep on her desk. Books and papers were scattered everywhere. Mary picked up her pumpkin themed medicine bag.

"Did you spend all day studying?" Mary whispered, "You crazy bitch."

A few minutes later, Mary rushed out of the classroom in tears. Out in the hall, Mary pressed her pumpkin sling bag into her chest, put her back to the wall, slid down, and sat of the floor. For a moment, she sobbed softly in the dark.

"Fuck, bruh..." She whimpered.

Mary bit her thumb. It muffled her sobs as blood dripped down her digit. After shedding a few more tears, Mary stood up, and returned to her room.

A few hours later, sunlight broke through windows. As the golden rays landed on Noche's face, she stirred awake.

"Wha?... Oh shit... Its Saturday." Noche mumbled, "Two days until the exams begin."

Epics of Noche 1, AnchorWhere stories live. Discover now