Two brass bells signaled the opening of the front door.

"WELL GEE GOLLY GOSH! A customer!" Shaylin shouted, "Howdy-Howdy! I'm just wrapping up some minor tweaks on my ol baby."

Shaylin wiped the sweat off her brow with her cybernetic left arm; that she made herself.

"I haven't been getting many physical customers last few days." She said, "My business is mostly online orders these days. So its really nice to see a friendly face!"

Tightening the final bolt, Shaylin put down her screwdriver and looked up to see Dreg. She then screeched with joy. The vein on Dreg's head throbbed.

"DREEEG!! Oh its so! SO! Soooooo~ Good to see you!"

Dreg completely ignored her.

Shaylin's body language immediately changed from professional to floozy. She couldn't help but bite her lower lip as that BEAST walked towards the medicinal aisle. She could almost feel her pupils change into hearts as she watched those TIGHT, TONED, leeeeegs. Was she drooling? Oh WHO CARES! Hee-Hee! Oh! He stopped moving! Was he... Was he about... TO BEND DOWN?!!

Meanwhile, Dreg could feel the gaze of that harlot. He used to be such a patient man. What happened to him? Why did he have such painful headaches? Where was that aspirin? He swore that heifer kept moving shit around to stall him... Found it!

Nowhe could leave this gas station-brothel. All he had to do. Was walk to thecounter. And pay her... How long has it been since he shoplifted? No! No. Heworks in government now. Besides... Medusa's pissed off enough as is... Probably...Dreg wanted to sigh. He really... REALLY... Didn't want to deal with this in-heatcamp counselor. 

Back at the cash register, Shaylin watched this hunkstand still in the medicine aisle.

"God, bend down. Bend down! Bend down, bend down, BEND DOWN! Please pick something off the lower rack so I can see more of dat glorious boo... Oh? OHH!!!." Shaylin thought, "HE DID IT! Hahaha YES! He did it! YE-Wait... NO! NOOOOOOO!!! He stood back up! Come ON man... WHY?! Couldn't you have stayed still a few seconds longer?

Watching Dreg approached, at least she had a good view of his... Toned, sculpted, pects. GOD! What she would give to see him without his shirt. Oh this sexy silver fox. If only he could arrest her. Oh yeah! Handcuffs!

OH! He was basically here. Shaylin leaned on the counter in such a way to emphasize breasts as much as possible. Today was a GREAT day to wear this low-hanging tank-top.

"Weeell hellooooo, SEXY!" Shaylin said in a sultry voice.

Dreg slammed the aspirin on the counter.

Shaylin stared at it for a moment, then sighed. Like always, she knew this was going nowhere with him. She picked it up and scanned it.

"You know, you can get a discount if you buy two." Shaylin smirked, she couldn't resist the urge, "I'll even give it to you for free if you're willing to do something speeeeecial."

Dreg threw down a plastic card and left. He didn't even wait for his change.

"WAIT! I only wanted a picture of your chest!"

The door slammed behind him.

"Fudge!" Shaylin swore.

She then sighed. Then her eyes popped open. Her! Doors! Were! GLASS! She leaned over the counter, as far as she could, and watched his hypnotic ass in motion. Thank GOD she had stairs. Her smile was so wide it almost looked unnatural.

"Hehhehe... Mama likes."


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Outside the store, Noche did the finishing touches on her drawing. She was no artist, but she really thought she captured the essence of Dreg's scowl on the vomit bucket. Why, it was a perfect copy! It even had all the variety of expressions the real one does! Looking at the store, she saw Dreg all but stomping down the stairs.

"What in the world?" Noche thought, "What could cause him to walk away that fast?"

Dreg opened the car door, sat down, and threw his head into the palms of his hands; which were resting on his knees. It was a good few seconds before he sat up. Utterly dumbstruck, Noche slowly opened her mouth.

"Not... A... Word."

Noche slowly closed her mouth.

After a moment, Dreg raised his head and turned the car key. When he looked about environment before driving, his eyes flickered at the bucket.

"What is that drawing?"

Noche turned the bucket's face away so fast that she swore she gave herself a burn.


Noche knew, now was not the time to mock Dreg.

Dreg closed his eyes, turned his head towards the front, and opened them. He hit the gas and the jeep lurched forward. Noche and Dreg left the eastern Cross docks, passing a nearby radio antenna hidden behind the store's pine trees. Noche watched as it's red light blinked on and off, slowly fading into the distance. Before she buried herself in her exam study guide.

Epics of Noche 1, AnchorWhere stories live. Discover now