Six - Meet The Band

Start from the beginning

The next morning I heard an alarm going off. It didn't sound important though until someone dropped to the ground next to me. Hard. That someone groaned. I opened my eyes and rolled over to see Niall! He saw me and jumped back into one of the other lads who mumbled something, sounding annoyed. Oh, come on! My bedhead couldn't be that bad!

"You're here!" Niall sounded like a three-year-old on Christmas.

I was about to say something sarcastic like, "Thanks for telling me. I wasn't sure!" But instead, shyness took over and I mumbled, "Um... Yeah."

Niall asked me about when I'd gotten there and stuff until the person he was sitting on pushed him off. Niall's expression was priceless! He fell into another boy who was just getting out of bed, who almost fell but caught himself on a door handle. It opened and revealed another boy brushing his teeth. They all looked like deer in headlights! I started laughing and didn't stop until after Niall had joined me and his second alarm went off. Then they all had to get ready to go to an interview. While they got ready I poked around the bus trying to find something to eat. I glanced out the window and was shocked to find different surroundings!

"Niall, where are we?" I called to him.

He came running over with his shirt half on. "Whatsamatter?" He asked. I struggled to contain my giggles.

"Where are we?" I repeated.

He looked out the window blankly for a moment. "On earth... In the back parking lot of a stadium, I'd guess... I should probably know what city." He gave me a sheepish crooked smile.

"Well, you'd better find out before you go to that interview!" I laughed. The lad that Niall had been sitting on before came over.

"I'M LOUIS TOMLINSON!" He yelled. Niall burst out laughing. I didn't know what to say. "Oh, um, hi there," I got out. Louis laughed too. What there some kind of inside joke I wasn't in on?

Niall recovered enough to explain a bit, "Back when we were a brand new band he used to say that."

I still didn't see what was so funny.

Louis grabbed a bagel. "My girlfriend, Eleanor, is in the city right now. If you want I can see if she wants to go shopping with you or something," He said eying the outfit Niall had gotten for me when I was in the hospital.

"No, that's OK-" I started to protest.

But Louis cut me off, "You've got one outfit that you just slept in and now you're gonna wear that all day? Ellie's probably bored anyway. I'll call her and ask!" He said like it was decided. He did have a good point.

"Well, okay," I said.

But he was already waiting for Eleanor to answer the phone.

"Hey, love! I've got a question." I could only hear Louis' end of the conversation. "Remember that girl I told you about that Niall likes?"

Wait. What? Niall likes me? I felt color rush to my cheeks. Louis looked like he'd said something he wasn't supposed to.

"...To talk to I mean! The girl he likes to talk to!" He covered up while turning pink. Niall was red as a tomato and intently staring at a spot on the wall.

Louis continued on the phone, "She's here and we have an interview. Do you two want to go shopping and hangout for the day?" He smiled at the response. "Great! We're at whatever stadium we're performing at tonight... Bye El! I love you!" He hung up and turned to me, "She'll be here in an hour! I've got to go get ready."

Niall still looked wholly embarrassed and mumbled something about needing to make sure Zayn was up. Then he wandered off toward the bunks. I wanted to say something to make him feel better. But I didn't really know how I felt about him. I liked him as a friend. Did I like him as a boyfriend though?

The lads all left to go to their interview. Just before they left, one of them came up to me and said his name was Harry. He handed me a book, "A fan gave me this. If you get bored you can read it." He gave me a cheeky smile and got in a van with the rest of them. That was nice, I thought. I read the book, Harry Potter until Eleanor got there. We went to loads of stores and both tried on a million outfits. She had the same sense of humor as Louis so we both laughed a lot. By 4 o'clock we'd met three fans who'd recognized Eleanor, one of whom recognized me which was beyond weird. It was super awkward when she asked for my autograph, and I had to explain that I didn't know my name. I also had six new outfits which I absolutely loved. Ellie dropped me off back the buses and told me to call her if I needed anything. I thanked her and entered one of the buses to read my book.

About an hour later Niall came in to invite me to their concert. I, of course, accepted. Then Niall had the brilliant idea to let the fans name me! I was really nervous and excited for that night.


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