You were lost in thought when Kylo tugged on your arm. "I must speak with Mr. Rockefeller. Will you be alright on your own?"

"Oh yes! Go," you said motioning him off. You made your way over to the bar to keep yourself occupied with a drink. Unfortunately, a woman alone at the bar seems to attract every man like a magnet. So many came up to you offering conversation but you did your best to shrug them off. It amazed you how bold they were when they knew you were here with their boss.

You didn't see it but Kylo kept his eyes on you the whole time. Jealousy bubbled inside him just watching other people trying to take your attention, to sneak a touch, but he knew it was best not to act unless things got out of hand. He knew you could take care of yourself.

When you finally had a moment alone to sip on your drink you heard a familiar voice come up from behind you.

"You're still with him?" It was the receptionist who had "warned" you about Kylo.

She looked you over, inspecting every inch of you with judgment in her eyes.

"I'm sorry?" You said in disbelief that she actually was asking you this question.

"I'm just surprised is all. I didn't think you'd stick around."

She didn't think I'd stick around? You thought to yourself. The intentions you thought she had when she first talked to you were now becoming clearer. It was like she was trying to separate the two of you or something.

"Ah, I see now. You only told me those things so that I would leave. want him for yourself." The words came out of your mouth as your mind finally realized and understood her original intent.

She scoffed at your words as if you offended her somehow.

"You'll never be enough for him, I mean just look at you," she said with a devilish grin, "Why do you think he'll stay with you when he has access to women like me. To women who fall at his feet and do anything he asks. You're nothing. You're a worthless new toy that he will grow tired of."

You didn't want those words to hurt you. You didn't want her to see that she got to you. But it did hurt and you were just too insecure for them not to.

The tears started falling and you were more afraid of staying and letting everyone see than making an abrupt exit. You practically ran out of the room and to the elevator. You didn't know where you'd go but you couldn't stay there any longer. The doors were just about to shut when a large hand slipped through the crack. Immediately after seeing it, you knew whose it was. The doors reopened and Kylo stood before you.

Your hands covered your face as the tears couldn't stop falling. He entered the elevator, let the doors close, and pulled the emergency stop. There was nowhere for you to run now. You had to face him.

"What happened." He spoke first as you detected a hint of worry in his tone. Your hands moved away from your face so you could speak.

"It was really nothing," you said, "I'm just overreacting." You tried to stop the tears taking in a deep breath.

"What. Happened." He repeated his words slower as he moved closer to you.

"It's nothing Kylo, just something the receptionist said that's all."

"What did she say, tell me." His voice raised and you could tell the anger was boiling inside him.

As you recalled her words the tears in your eyes only fell more rapidly. Kylo didn't know what to do until you told him what was wrong.

"She just said that she was surprised I was still around. That you will soon get tired of me and go back to women like her because what would you want with someone who looks like me? I'm worthless. I'm nothing."

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