While looking at the pictures a boy who had a white smiley mask on and some adults after him, which George assumed was his parents, walked in the room
They started yelling at the boy, and took the pictures from his walls

George couldn't understand what they were saying, he just saw them slap the child

George knew he couldn't do anything, but he was filled with rage.

Then it happened, everything went black again

"Hello? Hello, are you okay?"

He heard a both unfamiliar and familiar voice talk loudly

George opened his eyes after a while and saw the white masked boy right in front of him


A high pitched scream as if it came from a 12 year old terrified girl came from George's mouth


"It's fine, are you okay though because you passed out"
The white masked man looked at George with a worried look, or at least that's what George assumed as he couldn't see the mans face

"I'm sorry about the sudden stop of the show everybody! And I don't think we'll be able to continue it today but as you exit you will get free tickets for our next show, and once again I'm really sorry!"
The manager talked through the microphone with a worried voice

George looked around, everyone left except, the actors, the manager, sapnap, the bakery boys and a girl in a wheelchair at the back

"I'm really sorry about the incident"
George looked at the masked boy who looked at their manager

"It's okay and nothing to be much sorry about, you can't really control your health and anyway we'll just move the show to another day. Anyway I'm Alex"
The manager or just Alex spoke to George with a soft voice introducing himself

He then turned around before George could respond and told the actors that he will be leaving for now

"Does it mean I can change from this stupid dress?"

"Yes bad"
Alex giggled

Alex then walked to the masked boy
"Yo Dream, do you mind closing for today and check on this guy and make sure he's okay?"
He pointed at George

"Sure thing"
The masked boy then looked at George


"That's my name Georgie"
He placed his mask a bit higher up to expose his smiling mouth
He then pulled it back down

George threw himself in Dreams arms, hugging him as tight as he could
It went on for a few minutes
Well the happiest minutes of George's life
George started crying

"Shhh it's okay, don't cry. Look we're together again"

"B-but it's been so long"

Dream let go of George and wiped his tears with his thumb

"I know it's been awhile, but now we can have fun, do things together like years ago, I missed you George"

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