Chapter 8

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My last thought was of Emara and Laxis. I hope they can escape.

There was a large bang and a cloud of smoke. When the smoke cleared a sword lay in its place. It was a perfect replica of my carving. Grabbing the sword by the hilt I swung it in the direction of Shadowcloak catching him off guard and forcing him to step back. This gave me the opportunity to get back to my feet.

“Mychlia get her!” roared the King. Jumping into action, Mychlia ripped his sword out of it’s scabbard and ran toward me. 

Throwing myself out of the way of his sword, I lunged out, toward his chest. I smile crept across my face as my sword slipped through his mail hauberk and into his flesh. 

Shadowcloak was shocked at the sudden death of his deadliest servant. Noticing the distraction I whirled around and pressed the blade of my sword against his exposed throat. I forced him to the ground before he could escape my grasp.

“Either surrender or die,” I told him.

“I’d rather die.”

“As you will.” repeating what he had said to me.

“Just one more thing.”

“And what would that be?”

“This!” He twisted his sword around his body catching me in the leg and throwing me off balance. I stumbled back a few steps and fell to one knee. Before Shadowcloak could stand, I lunged forward and took his sword by the blade, cutting my hand, and threw it across the room. He was at my mercy.

“Kill me I don’t care.”


“No? What do you mean no?”

“I mean, that if I were to kill you, it would be giving you what you want.”

I tied his hands behind his back, with the rope from my bag, and retrieved both his and my sword before leading him through the castle corridors. He struggled to loosen my grip on his tunic

The army King Gepredice promised was gathering outside the castle. 

Cheers rang out as the crowd saw Shadowcloak emerge from the castle tied up.

I handed him over to one of the soldiers saying, “Do not kill him unless you must.” He grunted to acknowledge that I had been heard. I also gave him Shadowcloaks sword, requesting it to be melted and buried.

Emara was perched on the top of one of the buildings nearby. I nodded to her and she let out a sigh of relief and a stream of green flame. She opened her maw to revel the book.

I smiled up at her and gave a little laugh.

Limping back to the castle, I heard the soft sound of a bird chirping. I looked up and spotted Shadowcloak’s bird sitting on a branch. 

 It flew down and landed on my shoulder.

“Thank-you,” it said.

“You’re welcome.” With this it flew off. 

Entering the castle, I heard Laxis calling my name. Following the sound of his voice I quickly found his cell. 


He was no longer tied to the wall, but had a ball and chain around his leg. The keys were hanging on the wall across from him. I grabbed them and unlocked the door. Throwing the cell door open, Laxis rushed out and gave me a big hug. 

“Laxis, how could you surrender?” I said sadly, pulling away from him.

“Esboney, I’m sorry. I knew you would come looking for me.”

“But what if we hadn’t made it here. We could have been stopped by Mychlia.”

“Who? Never mind, it doesn’t matter what could have happened, but what did happen. I knew you two would let nothing in Jasria stop you.”

“I guess you’re right,” I said smiling.

“Yes, I know I’m right,” Laxis pointed out, smiling.

Eyeing the large gash on my leg, he gave me a disapproving look.

Noticing his gaze I said, “He caught me off guard.”

“Never let your guard down.” he said smiling again. 

“Now, I think we should get out of here,” I advised.

“Yeah let’s go, this place creeps me out.”

Laxis helped me out of the castle and Emara embraced us both. I looked across the city for the first time and saw that a large area was destroyed and burnt. Emara smiled when she saw my shocked expression at the amount of destruction she had caused.

“I did what I had to do,” she said laughing. 

We stood there laughing while a group slowly formed around us. Most were villagers wanting to know what had just occurred. 

Shadowcloak had been removed and was being taken to Hitenzal to learn what his punishment would be. 

After I had my leg bound and we were given food and water, Laxis, Emara, and I decided not to stay in Rokarsa.

“We’ve all had to many bad memories here,” Laxis pointed out.

“I think it would be best for all of us, if we go home,” Emara stated.

“But first we must travel to Hitenzal to deliver the good news to King Gepredice,” I declared.

The new king of Rokarsa, King Rendath, agreed that it would be best if we went home. 

Before we left Emara, Laxis and I flew back to the tree where our things were buried. I gave Laxis the clothes to change into before we left. I also gave him the last apple from the bag. 

Laxis changed into the clean clothes and returned to Emara and I outside the castle. He gave me a questioning look at the sword in my sheath. I was still wearing my carving replica.

“It’s a long story.”

“I have a lot of time.”

“Ok I’ll tell you on the flight home.”

Laxis smiled down at me a said, “I’m glad your alright, Esboney. And you too Emara.”

“And I’m glad that your alright Laxis,” I said smiling back.

“Me too, I missed you Laxis, flying wasn’t the same without you,” Emara said.

We stood together with Emara watching as a crowd gathered to watch out departure.

Laxis lept into the saddle and reached down for my hand. 

I looked up at him and asked, “We’re riding? I thought you didn’t like riding with two people?”

“Well we’ve been separated for too long, I didn’t want to be apart anymore,” he said, smiling. 

I grabbed his hand and as he pulled me up onto Emara‘s back, and women asked, “How come you didn’t just kill him?” 

“He was helpless. I had knocked away his sword and he was at my mercy. He could do nothing more to hurt me, and it would have been giving him what he wanted.” The women nodded pleased with her answer and stepped back, as Emara unfurled her wings. 

As we lifted off, the crowd cheered: “Long live Esboney Lightningsword!” 

I waved down to the people until I could see them no longer.

“Laxis?” I asked. He turned his body to look at me. “I thought there were no happy endings?”

“Well, in some cases you have no choice.” A smile crept across his face and he leaned down and kissed me lightly on the lips. 

“I guess your right.” I said smiling too. I leaned my head on his shoulder and we flew through the clouds and back to Hitenzal, and King Gepredice with the good news.

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