Chapter 5

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We didn’t pass many people in the silent hallways, but there was always a mysterious hum that sounded as though two people were having a conversation. Emara must have heard it too for she turned to look at me.

“Esboney, what is that sound?”

“You hear it too? I don’t know, it sounds like people talking doesn’t it?”

“Yes it does. This castle is strange, let’s get out of here before anything reveals itself to us.”

Sensing my agreement, she turned once more to face the seemingly endless hallway. 

Finally, making it to the gate Emara said “Well Esboney, are you ready to face whatever there is to meet us in Rokarsa?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be.”

“Then let us be off.” Taking off Emara let out a roar. Her armour rattled as her wings flapped carried us higher into the bright blue sky.

I looked back at the castle wishing we didn’t have to leave so soon. I saw the King standing on his balcony waving good-bye. I waved back, hoping that I would see him again. And then it was gone. The grand city was hidden behind a large cloud as Emara gained altitude.

“Rokarsa, here we come.” I said tightening the straps around my legs.

With my green sword, Zotava, sheathed and my shield strapped to my back I was ready to battle anything in all of Jasria.

The journey was different than any I’d had before. The emotions between Emara and I kept us silent.

The scenery was often the same, mostly trees and sometimes a small river or pond. The only sounds being the birds and the steady beat of Emara’s wings. It was quite peaceful, and often I dozed. The only thing holding me to the saddle was the straps tied tightly around my legs. 

When Emara stopped for the first time in a clearing west of Rokarsa, I met one of the last thirteen Goln, Rabna told me about.

“Hello my name is Drovx. I am the youngest left of our kind.”

“Do you know Rabna?”

“Why yes, of course, he is my brother.”

“Oh really? How can you know for sure? Wasn’t his egg found by King Gepredice?” 

“Yes, but all of us Goln are related in some way. I found out Rabna was my brother, when mother told me the story of how his egg was lost and Rabna told me the story of how he was found. They are extraordinarily similar,” he explained.

“Do you see him very often?”

“Not really. He never leaves the kings side. Esboney what’s it like being a dragon rider?”

“Oh, well I’m actually not Emara’s rider, my friend Laxis is.” Speaking his name sent a pang of dread through me.

“I hope you get the chance to meet him. I like you’ll like him,” said Emara.

“Where is he now, if I may ask?” Rabna asked.

Seeing the pain in Emara’s eyes I knew she would not be able to answer the question. I said, “He has been taken captive by King Shadowcloak. That is where we are heading now”

“Oh, I am so sorry. I wish good luck to all of you.”

I nodded my thanks and stood up. 

“Well, I’m sorry to say but, we must be off. It was nice meeting you Drovx.” I said jumping back into Emara’s saddle.

“And you, as well. If you see Rabna, please tell him I said hello.”

“Alright, good-bye!” I said waving down to him, as Emara rose up to the sky.

It was colder now than before. The cold wind stung my eyes and forced me to wrap my arms around myself. When Emara felt my shivering, she dropped below the clouds to where it was warmer. Heat flowed through my body as she continued her descent. A large flock of birds flew below us, in hope of getting away from Emara. To my surprise, she did not fly after them. She hadn’t eaten in days. I asked her of this and she said: “I’ve decided not to eat until we are just outside of Rokarsa.”

“Why?” I asked still curious.

“I’m giving up something I love for someone I love.”

I thought about this for a second and decided I would do the same thing. “I’m going to give up eating meat.”

“Thank-you Esboney.”

We flew on in silence until the sun disappeared behind a mountain. Flying down toward a clearing in the forest, Emara stated: “Sleep with your sword close at hand, we do not know what could be lurking in the dark.” I nodded and braced myself as Emara landed on the hard ground with a thud.

The moon shone bright in the night sky, reflecting off Emara’s scales. 

After removing her saddle, I had Emara move boulders around the edge of the clearing to act as a blockade, making it harder for any potential enemy for attack us. After this was done, I had a small meal of bread and dried fruit. 

When I was finished, Emara and I settled under a Gahva tree to rest for the night. I fell asleep to the calming rise and fall of Emara’s chest, and an owl hooting above us.

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