Chapter 7

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“Esboney,” I heard a voice call in the distance. “Esboney!” The sound grew louder, until I opened my eyes. “Esboney, we must go, the sun has already risen.”

She was right, the sun was already creeping over the trees. I jumped into the air and ran back to our camp.

“I’m sorry Emara, it took me a long time to get to sleep,” I called over my shoulder, as I grabbed the saddle. I quickly tightened the straps around Emaras stomach.

“It’s alright Esboney, you need your rest.”

I started tying all of our bags onto Emara’s back, while she sniffed out a rabbit hiding behind the bushes.

“Eat Emara you need your strength.”

“Your right.” She lurched out and caught the rabbit in her large maw. “Not my first choice, but it will do,” she explained swallowing the helpless creature.

I finished tying the last pack on Emara’s back, and checked the camp one last time.

“All clear. Are you ready?”

“Yes, let’s go.”

I leapt onto her back and she jumped into the air before I had tightened the straps around my ankles.

After an hour of flying over the dark waves we landed in a small forest just outside the city walls.

We thought of a plan on the way and decided that I was to sneak into the city disguised as a widow coming to visit her brother.

After burying our things under the roots of a tree just outside the city, Emara and I went our separate ways. I brought my pack with me containing food, water, and clothing for Laxis, the book, some rope, and my wood sword, hoping it would be good luck. 

I began to walk along the path that lead to the heavily guarded gate.

Two armed guards confronted me at the front gate the surrounded the large city.

“Miss, please state your name and your business in the city of Rokarsa,” explained the first guard.

“My name is Emilia Narsia, and I am here to visit my brother.”

“Where are you from?”

“I come from a small village, just east of Hitenzal, called Yartuza.”

“Okay, you may go through.”

I smiled to myself as I walked through the gate. I could see Emara flying above me looking as small as a bird. I pulled a broken piece of mirror, that I found in the woods, out of my pocket and reflected the sun up at her, another part of our plan. Hoping she saw our signal, I slipped into an alleyway and crouched behind a large crate, waiting for the chaos to start. 

Not long after, I began to hear screams and the sound of buildings crashing to the ground. Slipping out of the alleyway, I made my way down the cobblestone streets.

I hope Emara can hold up, I thought to myself. 

Nobody seemed to notice my presence, as I wound my way through the crowded streets. Everyone was running away from where I was headed, in the direction of the castle. 

My heart pounded in my ears with every step. Sweat began to build up on my forehead, as the sinister castle creep closer.

My heartbeat was almost deafening when I found myself standing at the bottom of the guard tower.

“Hey you!” whispered a female voice behind me. I turned and saw a young women, no older then twelve, crouched behind a barrel. She beckoned me over with a wave of her hand.

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