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Today is November 26th, Thanksgiving. All of the students have made one or two side meals or desserts. The students were in pairs with their boyfriends and their girlfriends. Walt even invited Dreamworks kids! Chel Dorado and Mulan exchanged numbers for each other's recipes. The boys and girls sat in the school lounge and watched The Macy's Day Parade on the 64" plasma tv. It turned 5:00 quickly, and everyone sat at the tables. They enjoyed their meals and had a lot of dessert. The boys then watched the football game on tv, while the girls had fun doing each other's hair. Then they all had fun dancing and exclaiming what they're thankful for.
Arthur- Fencing
Esmerelda- Family
Bambi- Friends
Simba- Highschool
Amandine- Boyfriend and her big brother
Diaval- little sister and his girlfriend
Alysia- Sister and family
Quasimodo- Woodworks
Eliq- Mom
Chris- Sister
Jacob- sewing machines and sketchbooks
Justin- his mom
Krystyna- her dad
Nick- His sister and brother
Scar- The hyenas
Pitch- Amandine
Jezebel- Diaval
Then people started to leave. Pitch and Amandine stayed eating desserts when Tiana said "Why don't y'all take the dessert trays outside to the picnic area and sit out there?" Amandine turned a light pink and said "I'd truly love to! Would you like to Pitch?" Pitch nodded yes and grabbed the trays. The two started to walk out with Jezebel and Diaval. Everyone else danced and went back to their dorm and had sweet dreams.

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