“Emara, fly around the city and go straight to the castle. I don’t want any enemy spies spotting us,” Laxis yelled.

Emara nodded her head and started drifting to the right of the city. Emara’s wings grew more tired as we flew around the walls of the large city, hiding in the darkness.

Other than the whinnying of the horses and the barking of the dogs, the city seemed completely deserted.

With the help of the darkness, we arrived at King Gepredice’s castle undetected. When we landed we were greeted by four armed guards looking frightened and worried.

“Wh-who are you and what is your business here?” asked the first guard, poking his spear at me.

“I am Laxis Dragonbolt.” 

“I am Esboney Lightningsword.”

“And, I am Emara Thunderwing.”

“We are here because your king requests council with us,” answered Laxis.

“Oh, of course. We were told about your arrival. If you will follow me please, I will lead you straight to King Gepredice,” said a second guard.

“Where is everyone, if I may ask?” Emara asked curiously, walking behind us.

“A great evil has been released into Jasria, and it visited us today. It was truly horrifying. Many perished this terrible day.” He shuddered and said no more.

“Has there been any sign of other attacks in neighbouring cities?” I asked.

“No, we’ve sent soldiers to all the cities in a fifty league radius. There’s no sign of anything suspicious. Though there was a disturbance in Tajor. A traveler came here saying that a strange being swooped down over the city and stole a sheep. No one there could identify the creature.”

“Tajor? That’s so far away.”

“I know. There was something suspicious about the traveler he was jumpy like he was waiting for something to happen.”

“Maybe the shadow carried him here and forced him to deliver the message,” Laxis said.

“But why would it do that?” The soldier asked.

“Maybe to tell us that it will cooperate with us if we give it what it wants,” I said.

“It’s possible. I wish we knew more about it. 

“Can you tell us what the shadow looked like?” I asked.

“Sorry no, I was one of the few lucky enough not to come across it.”

I nodded, unable to come up with any more questions.

We entered a hallway large enough for Emara to spread her wings in.

“By the way what is your name?” I asked, as we past a strange sculpture.

“My name, is Jiorde Fiarehavin.”

“How did you come to Hitenzal?” asked Laxis.

“I’ve lived in Hitenzal since I was five years old. Both my parents died during the Faraltae epidemic when I was two. I was an orphan for three years before the king came looking at our orphanage for someone to raise and call his own. When he chose me, it was the happiest day of my life. He raised me like I was a son and he loved and cared for me.” The tears started to swell his eyes and he was about to cry when he said. “Ah, here we are.” Before us was a large oak door that lead to the king’s halls. “This is where I leave you. Good day to you all.”

“Emara, you’ll have to stay out here, the halls will be to small for you,” Laxis said before opening the great Uptandia wood doors.

“That is quite alright young one. I need to rest.” With this, Emara curled up and fell asleep.

I followed Laxis into the king’s halls and closed the door behind me. I stared around the magnificent room in awe. The walls were covered in golden tapestries, swords and shields hung with care, suits of armour made of the finest silver in all of Jasria, and all the king’s jewels and precious metals encased upon the walls. In a dark corner a large black book was encased. My instincts told me the book was dangerous, but that didn’t stop me from wondering what it was that the book held.

My wandering eyes soon fell upon the king sitting on his thrown. He wore a fine silk tunic and a pair of trousers, with a long flowing cloak that dragged on the ground. A sword was sheathed at his side and a crown on his head. 

“Lovely, aren’t they?” He asked standing up and gracefully walking towards us. “Today has been a dark day. This thing that’s been released upon us, feeds not only upon the body, but upon thy very soul.” He shuddered and continued, “We need your help, Laxis Dragonbolt, Esboney Lightningsword, and Emara Thunderwing. You are our only hope.”

He looked at us over the top of his spectacles and turned to face a very large window, looking out over the entire city. “We will never be the same. The evil we have seen will scar us for the rest of lives.”

I looked at Laxis and he slightly nodded his head in approval.

“What must we do?” Laxis asked.

“I ask of you to travel across Jasria to kill this horrific beast before it can cause much more damage.”

“How do we kill it?” I asked.

“Just like any other human, through the head, heart, or stomach,” informed the king.

I looked at Laxis and he slightly nodded his head in approval.

“We will do it. But we have one more matter to discuss before we take our leave,” I said confidently.

“And what would that matter be?”

“King Ilfric Shadowcloak contacted us on our journey here. He told us that he has a plan to take over all of Jasria, and destroy every last dragon. We need to stop him,” Laxis explained.

“ I see. This surely complicates things.” Scratching his beard he turned back around to look at us.

“Ever since Shadowcloak contacted us I’ve had a theory,” I exclaimed. Laxis looked at me in surprise but I continued. “What if this great evil was hired by Shadowcloak to do the dirty work for him, while he sit’s back in the safety of his castle eating gourmet foods and drinking fancy wines.” 

“It’s a good point. What are the odds of the evil being released into this world and him contacting you three on the same day, mere hours apart? I think it’s something to consider.”

“Okay, so we have a theory, but it still doesn’t tell us how to defeat the king,”  exclaimed Laxis.

“I think you would be better off going after the shadow first. Defeating it will possibly make it easier to kill Shadowcloak, because of the energy he used to create it. This is the one piece of advice I can give you.”

“When shall we head off? Emara is still extremely tired from having to carry us here,” I told him.

“I will give you three days time. But no more than that. Shadowcloak and the shadow must be removed a soon as possible,” he almost yelled, slamming his large fist down on the table between us. “Fitzharmen show them to their rooms please.”

“Thank-you. Shall we go tell the news to Emara?” Laxis asked heading for the door.

“We shall not disappoint you King Gepredice,” I said bowing. I then followed Laxis through the large doors and into the hall, where we found a sleeping Emara. 

The night sky was filled with bright stars and the light of the moon glistened off Emara’s green scales as she moved, only slightly, in her sleep.

“Let’s tell her in the morning, I don’t want to wake her,” Laxis said stepping away from Emara, and turning to look at me. His sea blue eyes staring deep into mine.

“Let’s go get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow,” Laxis whispered taking my hand and pulling me down the hall after Fitzharmen.

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