The masters of the realms are not gods and neither are the revered as such. Just like how a class would have a student representative but that student representative is not a teacher and would have to answer to the powers above.

But even then, the masters have some modicum power like choosing whether or not an outsider is welcome to their realm by acknowledging them and allowing them to speak the common language.

The master of Qin Yu's realm is not like the Nameless. He achieved the highest level of  '¥€#%$¥' (which, simply
put, is the type of 'spirit' in his realm) and became a teacher. Instead of living in seclusion like some other masters he resides on a mountain that is open to any and he takes those who come to him as disciples, teaching them so they can one day be close to his level. He does not welcome outsiders and is very harsh when handing out punishments.

It because of this that Qin Yu knows he can't return home. Still, he came to search for his fellow brothers because he would never just abandon them regardless what his master said, after all, all of them had gone to be the masters disciples at a young age and they grew up together.
They were basically family.

That day they left, because he had his own mission given by the master, Zhang Jue went in his place. If anything happened to Zhang Jue he felt it would be his fault.

Qin Yu sighed heavily, feeling extremely sad. So far, four months had already passed since his brothers had come here, he hoped that the worst possibility had not come to be.

Though it was painful he moved so he could sit cross legged then closed his eyes. It seemed that the strange guy and the beast would not be returning soon so he would take this time to meditate and focus on healing his internal injuries.

He controlled the flow of Spirit in his body, manipulating it so that it spread from his core to all the wounded areas, mending them.

He didn't have enough spirit to heal everything but he could at least relieve some of his discomfort whilst waiting for those two to return.

Whilst he did so he thought, how strange.

Actually, there's another person who thought Lee Hyunjin was strange and it was none other than Min. Of course she thought Qin Yu was weird as well but no one was as weird as her human.

Min lived in Ifvnar for years ever since she was separated from that person. She'd seen many humans come and simply die because majority of plants and animals in the forest were either dangerous or poisonous to humans.

When her human was injured she had actually brought the plants over to end his suffering but when he didn't die instantly and instead looked to be suffering even more she took pity on him and decided to get the Eneri for him.

Why didn't she bring those plants for him in the first place? Because of where they were located. Even now, Min was sure that if the human knew where she was getting them from he'd absolutely forbid her to go there ever again especially since she was pregnant. After all, Min's greatest enemy lived in the cove where the Eneri grew abundantly and even if she only picked them from the edge of the cove, she was sure she wouldn't be so lucky all the time.

She didn't want to risk meeting her enemy, not in her current state anyway. So of course she first thought to get rid of the human after all even if at first she had a hard time understanding him, she was sure he said he wanted to die.

"Min-Ah, I know you're not happy about having a stranger in our home but it's good to help people okay?"

Grrrrrr rrrrrrrr

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