Part 26

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"I am so happy it is weekend!" I jump up and down, clapping my hands like a little girl.

"Why? 'Cause you get to spend time with your boyfriend for another 2 days?" My sister snorts.

I arch a brow. "Does it matter to you?" I ask, smirking.

She shakes her head. "I don't care."

"Besides, you can spend time with your boyfriend. Oh wait!" I cover my mouth.

She narrows her eyes at me.

I burst out laughing. "Don't look at me like that sister, you need to study for your test next week."

"You will get there too..." She looks down at her phone.

"You two better not be fighting." My mom walks in, pretending to have a headache.

"No we're not." My sister and I say together.

My mom looks at both us and raises her brows. "Well I hope not. Gaby," She turns to face me, "Chris is here so –"

"YES!" I squeal like a little girl and jump up and down.

"You swear she has never had a boyfriend before." My sister says sarcastically.

"Well I haven't" I raise my shoulders.

"So where are you two going today?" My mom asks.

"Chris said it is a surprise." I giggle.

The door bell rings.


"You have had two of those already." Chris remarks as I finish the last bite of candy floss.

"But they are more – ish." I pout.

"More – ish?" Chris arches a brow in his sexy way which makes my knees weak.

"You know what I mean." I cross my arms.

"Well let's move on with the tour shall we?" Chris holds out his hand, but I don't take it.

I turn around and purchase one more candy floss. I look at Chris and he does not look happy, but that doesn't faze me.

I stick my tongue out at him and he smiles. I can see his dimples are showing and he looks so cute. Now I want to give him a hug, and I will do just that.

"Now can we –"

I open my arms and wrap them around Chris and I squeeze. I can feel his hands are on my back and he presses me into the embrace.

"Now we can go." I look up at him and smile.

"Well we can leave if you want." Chris suggests.

I shake my head. "I am enjoying the tour so far."

Chris puts his arm across my neck with his hand resting on my shoulder.

"You'd think I would know these places since I live here." I laugh more at myself.

"Show's you that you've been living in a shell this whole time." Chris teases.

I tap his chest. "Hey!" I cross my brows.

"Well I am glad I get to be your tour guide for the city, even though you were born here." Chris continues to tease me.

I roll my eyes playfully and pull away from him.

"I'm sorry." Chris laughs and grabs my arm to pull me back into his embrace.

I groan in his shirt, but I am not upset with him. I like this playful side of me Chris has awakened. I am not worrying about what the girls at my school think of me. I am not worried about messaging friends – who are actually fake friends – who are probably out hanging out with their friends.

I am happy to hang out with Chris all day, every day. He makes me happy and he makes me feel...I cannot believe I am thinking about it...but he makes me feel beautiful.

"Hey! Stop over thinking whatever it is you are thinking." I look up to see Chris is looking down at me.

Our eyes meet and right now, I want to kiss him. I want him to know how happy he makes me feel. I stand up on my toes, cupping his face in my hands and I lean to kiss him. Chris moans against my lips, which makes us both smile. I lean in closer which makes me trip and nearly fall to the ground.

"Careful my girl!" Chris shrieks as he grabs me just before my head hits the ground.

I can feel my cheeks turning crimson with embarrassment.

"Can we keep walking?" My voice shakes.

"Yes we can. Our next stop is the Aquarium. You do know what an Aquarium is right?" Chris playfully asks, which makes me smile.

We hold each other's hand and we start to walk toward the Aquarium.

"Hey!" Chris whispers, squeezing my hand. "Don't feel embarrassed. With me, you don't ever have to feel embarrassed." he moves my hand he is holding to his lips and he kisses my hand.

There I go blushing again.

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