Part 7

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I was shocked! Wait – not shocked. I was...astounded.

I was astounded because I was actually a little eager to discuss the decorations and all with Riley.

I do love to set up decorations. I have helped my mother set up decorations for my family in the past. I do have some experience in organizing a party.

What I don't understand is why did Riley and Chris leave when they were going to attend the school assembly?

I shrug off the thought and walk toward the field to go sit in my usually spot.

As I was walking to my spot, I suddenly feel two hands on my arm as I am pushed to the ground. I look up to see it was one of the girls who like to make fun of me. She was hiding behind the corner. Great!

I manage to gain balance as I stand up, but all of my school books I was holding fall to the ground.

"So I saw you talking to one of the Grenade band members." She sneers, "Oh lucky you! What did you say? 'Oh Riley, you guys are so cool I love you...but here's the kicker...I can't be with you because I am nothing and I am so ugly and fat'." She tries and fails to imitate me. I am used to people – this group of girls in particular – mocking me and shaming me. This did not bother me.

What did bother me was when I rolled my eyes as I gathered my books, only for her to kick the books out of my arms again.

I could feel the tension rising high. My heart was starting to pound with adrenaline. I swear this was the day I was going to punch this...this...there isn't a name to describe what a nightmare she is.

All the girls then proceeded to cackle – like the witches they are.

I suddenly heard someone else laughing to my right.

"Oh Really? Is that what you think of her? Wow! How low can you get?"

I immediately turned around. I think my eyes are deceiving me. I rub my eyes just to make sure I was not dreaming.

It was Chris...

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