Part 19

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Me? Sing? No way! There is no chance!

I shake my head vigorously.

"I am pretty sure you can sing Gaby. Sing something right now." Chris orders.

"Are you crazy? I cannot just sing on the spot." I state.

"Oh really?" Chris stands up and starts to serenade to me.

He sits back down, seemingly chuffed with himself.

"Now it's your turn." He gestures me to stand.

I frown. "Easy for you to say. You are a professional singer. My singing will probably make the glass break." I giggle.

"We won't know unless you try." He winks at me. "Come one Gaby."

Accepting defeat, I stand up. "Alright, but don't say I didn't warn you."

It was difficult at first to find the right note, but once I found the rhythm of my voice, I sang a song I loved dearly.

Chris covers his mouth and widens his gaze. He is speechless it seems.

"I told you I am bad." I whimper.

"No! That was... amazing! Your voice Whether you like it or not, you're singing." He declares.

I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know Chris, I am not comfortable about this."

Chris takes my hands in his. "Listen to me...your voice is beautiful. And with regard to being in front of will get over that. It is scary at first, but after you sing at your school, you will be able to sing in front of many other people." Chris is confident in his words.

I tilt my head to the side. "What makes you think I am going to be singing? I don't want to sing. I don't like being the center of attention." I look down.

"Hey..." he lifts my head up with his thumb. "You can sing. Show those mean girls who you really are." He gives me a peck on my cheek.

"But they will mock me, and no one will support me." I bow my head again.

"I will be supporting you, as well as your friends. Surely you have friends in your school. More than one friend I hope." He lets a breath of laughter.

"Ha ha." I smack his arm.

"Just try it out this one time. You don't have to sing ever again in front of people." Chris tried to bargain with me.

I roll my eyes playfully. "Alright. I will sing, but just this one time."

He pulls me into his embrace and he parts his lips. "I want to kiss you." He coos.

"What is stopping you?" I smile.

He smiles and leans in until our lips meet.



The day for the "Summer Rock Party." has finally come. I arrived with Chris and Riley instead of my mother driving me to school.

Chris, Riley and I enter the school hall, while being greeted by school learners. They were excited to have more of a conversation with Chris and Riley. Little do they know that I was going to be singing...

I spotted Lexi and my other friends and beckoned them over.

"GABY!" Lexi beams and squeezes me as her and I run toward each other. "Are you ready?" She asks aloud.

"I stare at her. "Lexi..."

"Oh right! Sorry." she grimaces. "Are you ready?" she whispers.

"I am not sure." My hands start to shake.

"Gaby!" I hear my other friend shout. "This is probably the most exciting assembly we have been to." She mentions.

We all end up laughing, but my laugh is more nervous. I honestly don't want to sing, but Chris will be there, so it will help my confidence.

"GABY!" Lexi screams, making me jump.

"Lexi! What the heck dude?" I grab my chest to catch my heart before it jumps out my chest.

" You haven't told us exactly how you and Chris became a couple! I need details!"

I sigh. "Okay. I –"

"As in...Every. Single. Detail. Do not leave anything out." Lexi animatedly waves her finger in the air.

Oh boy! I take in a deep breath and tell my friends how Chris and I were not that friendly toward each other in the beginning. I spoke about how I felt toward him the more I saw him, and how my feelings for him blossomed into something I didn't expect. I did leave out some minor details like the way his lips fit perfectly on my lips and they way he wraps his arms around me, which makes me feel content and safe.

Lexi slaps her hands to her face in astonishment. "That...that...that is just so BEAUTIFUL!" I swear there are tears appearing on the corner of her eyes, but I don't get to see them as she hugs me and squeezes me tight.

"Can't...breathe..." I say through each breath I take.

"Sorry." She lets me go.

My other friends bid Lexi and I goodbye as they make their way to the school hall.

I see Riley approaching Lexi and I. "We're on soon." He whispers in my ear.

I nod and turn to Lexi. "It's show time." I inhale.

"You...You are...You..."

"Hi Lexi." Riley smiles sweetly as Lexi.

"He knows my name!" Lexi giggles and jumps up and down with excitement.

"Well you are my friend, my best friend. What am I going to do? Not tell Riley about you?" I sarcastically say and arch a brow. Lexi wraps her arms around Riley. He smiles at her and squeezes her in return. "Thanks for being a fan." He warmly smile at her.

Lexi's cheeks redden and she looks at me. "You'll do just great Gaby!" Lexi gives me one last hug and walks inside the hall.

I turn to Riley, but he is currently occupied by girls, who could practically be drooling on him.

I tug his arm. "I think we need to go somewhere where you don't have girls drooling all over you!" I murmur.

He laughs. "I don't mind. Hey, this is what I've signed up to do. Besides, I am sure they like our music. Don't you ladies?" Riley winks at them, and they might as well faint. They all gasp and pretend to fan themselves.

I couldn't help but smile at him. He is a nice guy, and he doesn't use his fame as a means to create chaos or to get attention. He is just a nice guy.

I feel an arm wrap around my waist and a kiss on my neck. "Are you ready?" Chris murmurs.

My body shivers.

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