Part 13

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I cannot believe that 1 whole week has passed by already. It feels like months. I have spent the last couple of days texting Chris. He told me the charity is called "Christopher Haven". He told me he liked the charity because of what they do, not because it has the same name as his. I have not let him forget how much I laughed when he told me the name of the charity. I have spent the week looking for a dress that I can wear to the function. Riley was generous by purchasing the dress for me. I told him I would reimburse him, but he declined my offer and said it is an early birthday present.

I arrived at the event and I couldn't see Chris anywhere.

I did see Riley and we spoke for some time. We spoke about our pets we own. Riley owns a collie dog mix and I told him I had a cat and a dog.

I decided to get fresh air because I was starting to worry if Chris was coming or not.

There is a beautiful balcony outside. I stand and look at the beautiful view of the city below me.

"I was wondering when you were going to come out here."

I turn around quickly. I know that voice. Chris is standing about a meter away from me.

He gives me that ridiculously cute grin of his. I couldn't help but smile back at him. He walks closer to me. I flinch and take a step back.

"What's wrong?" Chris asks.

"Nothing." I answer. I know my cheeks have turned red. I am nervous. He is dressed in a suit and he looks sexy in that suit. It's black with what looks like a crochet tie.

Chris takes a step closer until he is right in front of me. I have to look up.

He eyes take in what I am wearing. He looks at me up and down.

"You look...beautiful."

My legs start to tremble. My legs give in and I fall, but Chris catches me caught me.

"Whoa! Are you alright?" He asks.

"I.......I'm.......Fine. Really. Guess I just can't take these heels.!" I reply. I hate being in heels. I can never walk properly on them.

"Anyhow, I am going to go inside," I say.

"Please don't." Chris pleas.

"Why? I'll rather go inside. I can get to know everyone." I say.

I turn to go inside, but Chris grabs my arm and he pulls me into his chest.

I look up at him. I look into those beautiful eyes.

"You know you are different." He states.

"Different?" I scoff.

"Not that kind of different. You are not like any other girl I have met. You're smart and speak your mind. I like that in you. And there is something else..." He takes in a breath.

"What is it?" I ask. I cannot help but smile.

"I...I think I may have feeling for you Gaby."

"I know you do. I do to." I blurt and place my forehead on his chest. Why did I just say that?

I look up at him to speak, but he speaks up. "I think I am falling in love with you." He says quickly.

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