Part 18

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"What is the matter Gaby? Who made you cry?" he asks.

I try to compose myself enough to explain. "Those girls you spoke to. Those mean girls? The one punched me so hard and now my lip is..." I point to my lip.

Chris places his finger on my lip and I wince. It stings.

"I will fix that for you." Chris says sweetly.

He kisses the corner of my mouth. "You need to stand up for yourself." He adds.

I honestly don't like revenge, but revenge would be so sweet on those girls. I shake the thought out of my head. I cannot think of that right now.

Chris leads me to his car, along with carrying my books. "I thought I could...take you to my place?" Chris nervously asks.

"What?" I walk right into the car and fall down – again.

"GABY!" Chris shrieks and helps me back up.

I inhale and exhale slowly. "Did you just want me to go to your place?" I ask.

Chris nods slowly. 'I mean, you don't have to. It would only be for an hour or so. I know tomorrow you have school." Chris explains.

I take out my phone and phone my mother.

"Hello my dear. I am on my way."

"Hi mom. Chris is actually here." I reply to my mother.

"Chris? He is there with you? What is he doing there?" My mom starts acting like a police mom – oh great!

"He surprised me." I inhale. "He asked me if I can his place. Only for an hour?" I hastily say.

"You want to be in a house with a boy...alone?"

Oh here we go!

"His parents will be there mom." There is a slight hint of desperation in my voice.

The line is silent for like 5 minute.

"One hour Gaby. Text me the address." My mother demands.

"Thanks, mom. I will now." I hang up. "I will need your address 'cause my mother needs to address...and she needs I now." I shut my eyes.

Chris chuckles. "I will tell you. For now, let's get in the car."


Once we arrived at Chris's place, I went to sit inside his lounge. Chris's parents were still driving back home, so we were alone. Alone! I haven't been alone with a boy before.

I place my hands – which start to sweat – onto my knees. Chris poured us a soda and switches the TV on for background noise.

Chris arrives back inside the lounge with a first aid kit. "Let's mend your beautiful lip."

I laugh. "Beautiful?"

Chris nods. "Yes beautiful. Your lips are so beautiful; I cannot wait to kiss them again." He smiles his cute dinky smile, which makes my knees weak.

Chris places a cloth on my lip and I wince.

"Sorry." He apologizes and continues.

"What is on your mind?" Chris asks me.

"Those girls. Well, revenge actually." My voice is small.

"Revenge? Look, I know those girls are no good, but revenge is not the answer."

"Really?" I raise an eyebrow. "They turn behind my back, they verbally abuse me and tell me on a daily basis that I am a useless person. So why would it be bad to think about revenge. They need to get taught a lesson! I mean, Mr. Bakes keeps Cara as a Prefect, but she is so mean." I am out of breath and my whole body tenses.

Chris places his hands on my shoulders. "Relax my girl."

I inhale. "I'm sorry."

Chris kisses my cheek. "It's alright. I do need to take you to boxing sometime. It may help you with releasing your anger." He suggests.

I shrug. "You know what? I will take you up on that offer sometime."

Chris chuckles as he finishes up on my lip. "Now...if you want to show them that you are not useless...why don't we write a song for them?"

My eyes light up. "Yes! A song would be a good idea."

"You and I can write it. That way, I can see how you write." He says.

I nod. "And you and Riley can sing the song." I smile, but wince because my lip still hurts.

Chris looks down. "Or maybe..." He looks at me through his eye lashes, "You can sing instead?"

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