"I like you're thinking my girl. You down to make a grocery run with me then?"

"Yeah, lemme just get changed into something more presentable."

He rolled his eyes. "Baby you look fine."

"Devonte I'm in your t-shirt with some of your shorts underneath."

"And you look fine as hell."

"Thank you." I laughed as I felt my cheeks redden. "But no. We're in Miami babe, I have to make use of this time."

I rushed over to my suitcase and opened it up. Searching through my clothes I found the perfect thing to wear before grabbing some shoes and going straight into the en-suite bathroom to change. Once I was changed I fixed my hair and applied a fresh coat of lip gloss to add a little extra touch. Then, I joined Von again who was waiting by the door. He too had gotten changed and was looking daddy-ish with the way his shirt was unbuttoned and his chains sitting there all sparkly.

We walked out of the house hand in hand and got into one of the cars that was being driven by on of Devonte's people. The drive to the store wasn't too long and soon enough we were walking into Walmart. He grabbed a cart and led the way while I trailed behind a little, really taking everything in. It was certainly a lot different than back home. Just about anything was in this place!

We got all the essentials first - food, snacks and drinks (both alcohol and nonalcoholic) - before we went around to get anything else we may need while we were out here. That's when the realisation popped up into my head. I sighed.

"I have to go grab something real quick. You stay here and keep looking."

He nodded his head but kept looking at whatever he was looking at - typical guy stuff. "Okay."

I chuckled and walked off to the section where all the sanitary products were located. It took me a long time to find the pads that I use, but eventually I did. I also made sure to grab a pack of tampons so that I'm still able to swim. I hate that my cycle is due in the next couple of days because I can't stand tampons, but you gotta do what you gotta do. I grabbed some makeup removal products as well before making my way back to my baby.

As I rounded the corner to isle he was in, my face twisted up. Devonte caught my gaze but played it off and put his attention back on the woman who was clearly overstepping and getting my man angry. As I got closer I heard him asking her nicely to stop but she kept on going, flirty like the desperate hoe she has got to be. On the shelf to my left I noticed a box of pregnancy tests...hmmm. Time to be the badass I can be. I smirked, picking up the box and started strutting towards them.

Operation get off my man has now commenced.

When I got to the cart I placed my things inside - the girl was totally oblivious to me since the cart was next to her and all her attention was on Devonte. I left one thing in my hand though; the pregnancy tests. I walked right up to my man and wrapped my arms around him and kissed his cheek.

"Sorry I took so long, I got carried away looking at everything in the baby isle. I got the pregnancy tests though, isn't wonderful that we're probably having a baby?!" I said in the most enthusiastic and exciting tone I could before looking up at the girl. "Oh excuse my rudeness, I didn't realise you were speaking with anyone baby. Hi."

"It's okay, I was just leaving."

The girl quickly walked away. When she was gone I removed myself from Devonte and laughed.

"That'll teach her for being a thirsty little thot."

"I guess I'm not the only protective one around here." He laughed.

Perfect Fit | August AlsinaWhere stories live. Discover now