Chapter 5: A Quick Chat

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Jake's POV
I literally froze on the spot when Percy placed his hand on my shoulder. I mean I've known his man for my whole life and one of my best friends just practically shouted I had kissed his daughter.
Percy walked outside with me until I couldn't hear Silena yelling at Sammy and Thaila.
I'm so screwed, I thought to myself, mentally facepalming.
"I know that Thaila didn't mean to say that at a pitch I can hear, but then again I've known you your whole life and you're a good kid, so I trust you will be good to Silena. Unlike if she were dating a mortal, I don't have to threaten you whatsoever because if you hurt Silena, Thaila will kill you and I know that Silena has liked you since you guys were fifteen." and with that Percy left to go back to the house, most likely to talk to Annabeth about it.
Thalia's POV (I literally just realized that I have been spelling her name wrong the entire book... oops {•_•})
"So, do you think Jake is gonna be screwed? I mean Percy had a pretty serious face and it's almost never serious." Sammy, the guy I have liked since we were fourteen, was asking my opinion on how mad Percy is going to be.
"We just can't tell Silena or she would kill us." I looked at him, dead serious because Silena would kill us if she found out.
"Don't tell Silena, what?" Silena just got down the stairs and apparently heard me say that. Crap.
"Thalia was arguing with Jake and your dad just happened to overhear when she brought up kissing you." Sammy explained and I gave him the evil eye.
"Hey what happened to not telling her?" I was still giving him the evil eye.
"I never agreed to that Thals." Sammy told me as he poked his eggs.
"Good morning Silena," Percy said as he walked by and placing a kiss on Silena's forehead.
"Morning, Daddy." She said to him then walked outside, "I'm gonna go sort some things out with Jake. You two have fun now." and she walked out the door.
"So..." it was pretty awkward between me and Sammy. He had Hazel's golden eyes, cinnamon hair, and Frank's lighter skin. He looked like a god. I often wondered what he thought of me.
"I'm going to get dressed and then head down to the lake and we are going wake-boarding later so you should get ready too." I told Sam then ran upstairs to get dressed and it was partly so Sam couldn't see me blush. Hey I've got a tough girl reputation to keep and blushing is going to ruin that.
I quickly changed into my two-piece with black bottoms and an orangey top with turquoise sunglasses. I threw my t-shirt and a pair of light wash shorts. I looked in the mirror. I had my mother's kaleidoscope eyes and my dad's blonde hair. I fishtailed my hair, slipped on some shoes and ran down to the lake.
I saw two figures running and I knew exactly who they were. Jake was chasing Silena and throwing her into the water. Then I felt someone pick me up.
"Sammy put me down right now or I swear to the gods-" he turned me around and planted his lips on mine. They were so soft.
Sammy's POV
I picked Thalia up spun her around and kissed her. She smelled like caramel and vanilla. I've always known she liked me because one time Thalia couldn't make it to Jake's place to hang out and Silena accidentally let the secret out. She made me swear to never hurt Thalia's feelings.
"Sammy I don't care that you kissed me now put me down before I call Silena and Jake over because Silena will drag your ass into the lake and you know it." She looked at me with her intense yet kind eyes and I ignored her and kissed her again the only difference is that this time she kissed me back.
She cupped my face to hers because I was still holding on to her.
"Sammy what are you doing to Thalia?" Oh no I recognized that voice as my sister's and she just caught me kissing one of my best friends. I set Thalia down and turned to my sister.
"Sammy just finally got the courage to ask me on a date and that was just my little way of saying yes." Thalia answered for me which was a relief.
"Oh is that what Silena and Jake are doing now?" Ruby pointed in the direction of our friends, who were in a close embrace and I'm pretty sure I could see their lips touching.
"I don't know because Jake is really weird and he has liked Silena for a long time," I explained to my sister.
"Okay I have to go get sunscreen on with Mommy. Bye," and with my little sister running back to the cabin I grabbed Thalia's hand and we began walking to the lake.
"So I guess we have to go on a date now," I looked at Thalia who just giggled.
"Yup," she said popping her 'p'.
"Maybe those two can tag along," I pointed to Jake and Silena who were currently skipping rocks.
Silena's POV
"Jake, Thalia and Sammy are walking over and they are holding hands. Do you think he finally-" he cut me off.
"Yeah, he definitely did because Thalia would never make the first move on a guy and yes six skips beat that water girl!" He went into a mini celebration.
"Oh watch me," I threw the rock and it skipped eleven times.
"Dam girl. You're good,"
"You know it," I grabbed his collar and pulled him in for a kiss.
I let him go and pulled away, then I laughed because he was still making a kissy face and I pushed him away.
"What is happening love birds?" Sammy asked Jake and me.
"I could ask you the same thing man," Jake walked up to Sam and bro hugged him.
Thalia and I walked a couple feet away, then I whispered, "I can pull them in the lake,"
She looked over at the guys pondering the thought, then she said, "Do it,"
I then caused the lake to wash up to their feet and then caused it to pull them in.
We ran down and jumped into the water. I created an air bubble around Thalia and myself. When we found the guys, I allowed them into the bubble and they both looked at us with unhappy faces.
"Seriously Silena?" Jake looked at me as though I was crazy.
"Seriously, Valdez," Then I pulled him in for a kiss. Thalia did the same to Sammy.
It was really a splendid time until I heard laughing and I looked to my right to see Luke and ruby sharing a bubble. They were laughing hysterically.
After the bubble, the four of us got out of the lake. Jake and Sam were soaking wet while Thalia was only wet because we had been kissing Jake and Sammy. I was not wet because I didn't want to ruin my shirt.
"Hey guys we brought lunch," my mom yelled to us.
Thalia, Jake, Sammy and I went away from Ruby and Luke because if our parents couldn't ask us questions about what they saw us doing then they would assume it was a lie.
"So we should go to the little village tonight. I hear 'The Parisians' are performing." I suggested as I bit into my passion fruit jam sandwich on a little Hawaiian roll (ok if you have not tried this it is delicious and amazhang because it is just a tropical explosion of tastiness in your mouth).
"That sounds like fun and it can be a date," Jake said, wiggling his eyebrows at me.
"A double date and it is a great excuse to get away from those two." Sammy pointed to our siblings.
"Agreed," we all said in unison.
It was such an amazing first day at the cabin. I kissed Jake, Thalia and Sammy got together plus now we were all going on a double date together.
I can just picture the look on Hailey Framger right now. She was the most popular girl at my school and guys will almost just immediately fall for her. She always told me that no guy at this school will ever like me and I was okay with that because the guy I had fallen for didn't go to my school. If she found out I had a boyfriend (and a hot one at that) she might just break. I laughed at the thought and Thalia looked at me, like I was going insane.
We were both looking through our suitcases to find something that was nice looking and appropriate according to Aphrodite or we would both wind up with new outfits that didn't suit is very well.
I picked out my black high tops, jeans and a t-shirt that said "Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Boss" (yes this shirt really exists I got it for my friend for Christmas ok back to da story). Thalia put on a beanie, her button down flannel that was fully unbuttoned and she had a white camisole on underneath, a pair of shorts, and some red Chuck Taylor's (converse high-tops).
"You guys look amazhang."
"Aw thanks, Sammy. But you look like you could use some help." I teased him. It was obvious Aphrodite wanted him looking good for his date with her granddaughter. Jake looked even better than Sammy. He had jeans and hoodie on.
"Silena you look, wow," Jake just stared in amazement.
"Thanks you don't look to bad yourself."
We all walked out of the cabin and began our date to the village. My hand was in Jake's and Thalia's in Sammy's. It was going to be a perfect night.
A/N: I'm thinking of putting Hailey in this next chapter just so it's not all lovey-dovey. So thoughts and remember to comment and vote. The Seahawks lost and now I'm sad oh well there's always next season *sigh* ok later {•-•}

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