Chapter 4: Well This is Awkward

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Disclaimer: I only own the children of the PJO and HOO characters not the original. Derp ok enjoy the story.
Silena's POV

So this is basically what happened is Jake dared me to shut him and I've had a small, okay major crush on him for two years and well I took the opportunity to kiss him. What I didn't know is that he would kiss me back. Then came Thaila to tell us to go to breakfast and it startled us, so we separated our lips, but my arms were still around his neck and his hand were holding my waist. That was so embarrassing.

I looked down at my Bambi tank top (A/N: don't judge I was listening to Disney music writing this) and it had a bunch of greasy oil stains from Jake. It looked like I had either been kissing Jake or hugging Leo, but everyone would know it was the first one because well I'm pretty sure Leo was still asleep.

"Hey Silena?" Jake asked me after Thaila left us alone.

"Mmhmm..." was my reply.

"Look at me," I looked up into his amber eyes that reminded me of a warm fire. They were such a cozy, calming color.

He pulled me in, cupping my face and kissed me again, so I of course kissed back. Then as much as wanted to stay like this forever, I broke away.

"I'm covered in grease now. Are you happy, Valdez?"

"Very," he said, giving me a quick peck on the cheek and went into the shower.
He was so caring, funny, cute and a complete idiot at times.

I ran back up to the cabin and rushed to my room so I could change out of my "proof I kissed Jake" shirt. Until I got up to my room, I had no idea how much I was blushing and Thaila looked at me and said, "Umm... no offense but you look like someone painted your face red."

"Thanks, Thaila," I retorted back at her, "at least I had the guts to kiss the guy I like."

Thaila knew that I was referring to the enormous crush she had on Sammy for the past four years. "Oh shut up, Silena!"

"Fine, but I'm not wrong,"

I quickly put on a different top so no one would know that I kissed Jake. Gods I really need to stop thinking about how his curly, dark, amber hair was so tempting to use to pull him in for a kiss and how his not super muscular arms made me feel so safe.

No! Snap out of this. I mentally scolded myself for wanting to be wrapped in the safety of his arms and never leave them. STOP IT!

"Hey Silena?" Jake called from down the stairs.


"Are you in clothing?"

"Yes, I am,"

"Okay, I'm coming up,"

"Well hello lover boy," I forgot the Thaila was up here.

"Could I talk to Jake in private, Thail?"

"Well I guess. I'm gonna go wake up Sam,"

"So now your not covered in grease. I guess you really needed that shower, huh?"

"Yeah" he blushed.

Gods she looked beautiful, even if she had just gotten out of the shower and she even smelled like a tropical island with mangos and coconuts.

"I'm sorry for taking so long in the shower since that kind of led to the kissing earlier." Silena looked really embarrassed, but she was adorable when she blushed.

"No, I'm sorry I didn't kiss you earlier. I've had this crush on you since we were fifteen and I just never had the courage to ask you out or kiss you. I kissed you back because you already kissed me so I thought you wouldn't reject my kiss-" She cut me off with a kiss. Not a very passionate kiss but the kind you would give to say I like you a lot.

"Sorry I cut you of-" Now I was cutting her off, but I gave her a more passionate kiss, but not by much.
"There now we're even," I grinned at her when we broke away. She playfully punched my arm.

"So I'm starving. Shall we grab breakfast?" She asked looking at me with her hypnotizing eyes. I kissed her cheek and ran down the stairs, so she couldn't get me until we sat down at breakfast.

"Holy Hera, Jake. Why were you running down the stairs? I thought you were taking a show- oh, Silena?" I looked at my buddy and nodded.
"Yeah man she kissed me then I kissed her, then Thail interrupted us." I said pointing at Thaila, who was drinking some coffee.

"Well I'm sorry, I had no idea you two were kissing outside the showers!" She almost yelled it then quickly covered her mouth because Percy Jackson, Silena's dad, was right behind me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Jake can I talk to you in private?"

Percy asked me and dragged me me outside and I thought, Oh wonderful, the son of the sea god wanted to have a quick little chat with me after Thaila had said something about Silena kissing me.


A/N: what should Percy's reaction be towards Silena and Jake kissing. Please let me know cause I'm drawing a blank.
K thanks bye {•-•}

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