Part 2: in the Belly of the Beast

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TimJim woke up in the dank, smelly, gross stomach of the Bear. In truth, he really shouldn't be alive.

Oh man, I shouldn't be alive right now.

He couldn't see or hear much besides the occasional squishy noise made when he moved around. He was alive, but he was alone. He took a moment to get as comfortable as he could get.

What happened?

He could feel the insides of the Bear's stomach, and his own stomach growled miserably when he realized he hadn't eaten anything besides breakfast.

Maybe someone will come looking for me.

Will they?

What if I just drove everyone away?

He started to think. He lay in the stomach of the Bear in the silence and listened. Nothing. He wanted to get out so badly. TimJim was alone with his thoughts in a way no one should be. He was isolated. He was hopeless.

It's my fault.

TimJim shook all over. With nothing left to do, he rolled into a ball and cried himself to sleep.


"Hey, kiddo, wake up! Pancakes are ready!"

TimJim rubbed his eyes, getting up from his bed.

"We made 'em with chocolate chips so if you don't get up soon, I'll eat all of yours." TimJim could hear his dad's voice teasing him from the door. Chocolate chip pancakes were his favorite. His dad wouldn't eat his, would he?

He sat at the table. How'd he get there so quickly?

"Dinner's ready!" His mom walked in with a hearty bowl of spaghetti, smiling wide. The spaghetti looked perfect. Every noodle called out to TimJim as if their only purpose was to be eaten by him. His father served him a small bowl.


"Remember, Jonas, you want to eat well before your trip tomorrow. Where did they decide to send you this time?" His mother served a bowl for herself.

"Spain! Can you believe it? They want me to go to Spain. I can barely speak Spanish!"

TimJim couldn't believe it. His dad was leaving again. After promising to spend more time with him he leaves. TimJim hated this. He hated how he had no friends. He hated how he was always put last.

"I hate you."

The table went silent. All the forks spilled to the floor with clangs, and the spaghetti seemed to turn stale and rotten in front of TimJim. The walls turned black and the light in the room died. His mother's smile grew wider as she lifted a hand with long spider-like fingers and cupped his face.

"You ungrateful child."

He watched in horror as his dad rose from his chair. He seemed to grow taller than any tree, and his voice sounded menacing and harsh in the echo of the room. "You really think we'll come and get you, TimJim? After all your whining?"

TimJim shook his head. He was bad. He was ungrateful. He would never learn. He was alone.

TimJim was alone.


He woke up to a start, his hands clammy. He didn't wanna get eaten by a Bear. He didn't want to not have friends. He just wanted to be with his dad. Suddenly and terribly, TimJim missed home. He sighed and looked around at the walls of the Bear's stomach.

The Unfortunate Moral Story of TimJimWhere stories live. Discover now