Now two years later Alec and his friends and family are getting over another death as Magnus gives birth to his and Alec’s second child. The death of Alec’s youngest brother, Max. Max had snuck out to go into the field one night and by the time anyone knew he was missing and went to find him, it had been too late. A demon had found Max and killed him. Four days after Max’s death everyone dressed in white and went to the City of Bones. Max may have been twelve when his nephew was born and wasn’t an uncle for long, but he was a pretty damn good one.

Magnus’ scream brings Alec back to reality. “Deep breathes, squeeze my hand if you feel any pain.” Alec tells his husband.

Magnus squeezes his hand as he screams in pain. “I would like to see you telling me to take breathes if you were the one in position, Alexander! Giving birth is----ahhh!” Magnus nearly crushes his hand as a contraction, at least Alec thinks it’s a contraction, hits him.

Kneeling beside his husband Alec runs a hand through Magnus’ wet hair. “How far along is he?” Hearing a woman’s voice Alec turns to the door to see Catarina Loss in her work clothes. And she does not look happy. Who can be really when working in a mundane hospital and the only thing she looks forward to off shift is relaxing and seeing her daughter, Madzie, whom she adopted a couple of years ago when Magnus was six months along with Rafe. Madzie gets along well with Rafe and did with Max.

“We don’t know. The pain has been on and off all morning before it just didn’t leave. I rushed Magnus here as quick as I could.” Alec explains.

“All right,” Cat snaps her fingers and changes Magnus out of his regular clothes into and into a green hospital gown. She turns to face the others. “Unless either of you are also a third parent, or have been given permission to be in her by the two fathers, I suggest you leave.” None of them says a word as they leave the room. Cat turns back to Alec and Magnus, grabbing a stool and placing a blanket over her fellow Warlock. Lifting the end of the blanket towards her up she looks to see how far dilated Magnus is. It doesn’t take her long before she pops her head back up. “Okay, Magnus, you’re six centimeters along, if you want I can give you an epidural and something to induce your labor. Would you like any of those?”

“The----gnaw----epidural----ahhh----please,” Magnus grunts out in spouts of pain. Nodding Cat flicks her wrist summoning a syringe with some liquid inside.

“Alec, help Magnus sit up so I can place this in the proper place.” Alec nods, doing what she says. (Magnus has advised him that if Catarina Loss tells someone to do something, they do it. Otherwise the person ends up regretting it. (Magnus has been on the end of that hundreds of times over, according to Cat.))

Helping Magnus sit up Alec gently pushes him forward so Cat has a better view of Magnus’ spine so she can inject the needle. Cat cleans the spot she plans for injection with a cotton ball and rubbing alcohol. As she injects it Magnus’ screams increase a little before dying down. Cat uses her magic to bandage the injection spot before Alec places Magnus back on his back, the bone crushing hold Magnus has on his hand loosens.

“Thanks,” Alec tells her as Magnus’ head hits the pillow voice gone hoarse, breath coming out in heavy pants. “Where’s Madzie? Do you have a sitter watching her?”

Cat shakes her head. “No. No, my sitter is at her wits end so I picked her up before coming here. I left her outside with your parents before I came in here.”

Alec whips his head to look at her. “My Dad is here?” Magnus hasn’t even been in labor that long nor has it been that long since his Mom went out into the hall to call him.

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