As the demon flies further down the beach and Alec catching up he sees a hole in the ground. Getting closer Alec can feel something strong, powerful, demonic and just pure evil coming out of it. It also has a bit of familiar-ness with it as well.

The demon's claw is starting to loosen around Izzy as it gets closer. Stopping Alec pulls out an arrow, notched and ready to fly; he lets it go when the demon is only a few feet away from the hole. Exploding into gold ash the demon drops Izzy on the edge of the hole, close enough that if Alec shot his arrow a second later his sister will be wherever that hole leads to.

"I'm fine." Izzy assures as Alec rushes to her side to make sure that his sister is all right.

Alec helps her up and when they stand Alec has a better view of what's inside. It's a deep rustic brown that looks red, and a yellow sphere that looks to be made of gas in the center. "Izzy,"


"I think we just found the rift where the demons are coming from."

The energy from the rift starts to tingle on Alec's skin, causing a slight shiver (and not the good kind); the coldness that's coming from it is stronger and the hint of just being home mingles in with it every now and again. Izzy seems to be feeling the same things as Alec as she passes out in his arms. Alec is able to get one final look at the rift before blacking out himself.

When Alec comes to something is under him that isn't sand. It's comfortable and so it the blanket over him, which tells him that he isn't in the Institute. Opening his eyes Alec looks around and sees that he's in Magnus' loft, in his bed. Moving to sit up a hand gently pushes him back down.

"You need to lay down." Magnus says in a hushed voice.

"How did I get here?"

"Jace followed your trail after getting his strength back. He found you and Izzy passed out in the sand; he called me to come get you two back to safety. Izzy was in the other bedroom and woke up hours ago."

"What time is it?"

"Eight at night."

Eight at night? It was only noon when he passed out. Has he really been asleep for eight hours?

"You said was, where is she now?"

"She woke up around four when Jace came in about some mission about the Vampires. Jace went to go check out the ones that were causing trouble as Izzy went to check on Raphael at Hotel DuMort."

"What?" Izzy went to the Hotel? Where Raphael is? The last time those two got together Izzy ended up addicted to Yen Fin, it took Izzy sweating it out for a couple of weeks to even be in the same room as Simon without asking for him to bite her then covering it up as a joke.

"Don't worry, Raphael's second in command, Lily, is keeping an eye on them to make sure that they don't give into their impulses. As for us, I think we need to talk."


"Being mates. I know you have no idea if I've thought about removing the bond before I found out about our son, but I can assure you that I haven't. As for after our son comes, I think we need to see where this relationship is going before we decide if we want to remove it or not. But if you ask me I would rather keep it."

An icy cold wave comes over Alec. "You want to be my mate?"

Feeling the bed shift Alec finally gets a better look at Magnus. His mate is sitting on the side of the bed, worry etched on to his face; he leans over and cups Alec's face. "Of course, Alexander. Why wouldn't I?"

A lump forms in Alec's throat. A centuries old Warlock wants him, Alexander Lightwood, a Shadowhunter, first born son, and older brother who has never had a mate before while Magnus probably has had thousands in the past, want him as a mate?

"What can I offer you Magnus? There is a chance I could die tomorrow and what will I leave you with? A son that's half-Warlock and half-Shadowhunter?"

"Alexander, no matter what happens to you I will cherish our time together. I have always been a one-soul at time kind of guy anyway; always falling in love with the soul before the sex,"

Alec chokes on air. Is Magnus saying what Alec thinks he's saying? "Magnus, are you implying what I think you're implying?"

"What do you think I'm implying Alexander?"

"Are you in love with me?"

Instead of giving a definite yes or no Magnus brings his other hand to cup the other side of Alec's face and crushes their lips together. The kiss is the only confirmation that Alec needs on how Magnus feels about him.

"Plus," Magnus adds when he pulls away, breath coming out in heavy pants. "It seems our son and I have gotten used to having you around and he won't let me sleep without you. Believe me I tried sleeping on a couch in the living room and he refused to stay still."

Alec laughs at that. They're about to crush their lips into another kiss when Izzy comes bursting in, Her eyes are wide and frantic, like she's looking for someone. "Izzy," Alec addresses her as he sits up. "What's wrong?"

"Raphael is missing."

To be continued...

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