20 Answers to 20 Imaginary Questions Challenge

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Here we go with the questions. It was difficult coming up with questions :).

1. I like coffee, especially Frappuccinos! 

2. Besides writing, I like reading, baking, and drawing. 

3. My favorite to bake at the moment are cakes: chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. 

4. Some of my favorite shows are Supernatural, Empire, How to Get Away with Murder (though it drives me crazy with the unanswered questions).

5. My favorite animal are monkeys…I want to carry a baby Gorilla. At one point, I wanted to be a zoologist just for that.

6. I have a collection of stuffed animals, mostly monkeys.

7. I usually keep all the birthday cards, cards, drawings, gifts I get from friends. Some are hanging on my wall. 

8. I don’t like stopping to have my photo taken. It just doesn’t feel real. 

9. I can be competitive.

10. Apparently, I have a temper. 

11. I can be mean even though some people don’t think so because I’m too nice. 

12. I wish people weren’t hypocrites…at least some mature.

13. I prefer wearing dresses, so much easier considering my height. 

14. If someone wants to give me a gift, give me a book :).

15. Something I would like do, but I don’t know if I will ever…participate in a Color Run because I don’t run. I haven’t done so in so long.

16. For me, the most important thing is family and friends. 

17. A lesson I’ve learned is that there are disappointments in life, especially from the people you least expect it from, but you have to learn from it and move on. Life is what we make of it with all the obstacles.  

18. My strongest believe is that everyone deserves to be treated equally. I recognize that we all come with some prejudices, but if we’re aware of it then we can work on changing that.

19. Sometimes I get obsessive over something new, such as a song, game…at the moment it’s scramble with friends. 

20. A question I have…who am I going to tag? :)

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