Chapter 49

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It's been 2 years.
It's now Jacob's 2nd birthday. You and Bryce are setting a birthday party at the house for him. The other's are helping you fix the party. It's just a small party, you and all your friends. Jacob was running around the house and just laughing around while playing with your friends.
You: Jacob, it's nap time.
Jacob: But mommy I don't want to.
Bryce: Listen to mommy, Jacob.
Jacob: Daddy!!
Bryce: Ugh c'mon it's your birthday party later let's rest.
He picks him up and you run in the room following them.
Bryce: Okay, if you sleep, I'll give you a bigger slice of cake.
You: Bryce....
Bryce: It's the only thing that will get him to sleep he loves cake.
You raise an eyebrow at him.
Jacob: Mommy, pweaseee.
You look at him and smile.
You: Okay fine.
Jacob: Yaayyyy!!
Bryce lays him on the bed and picks you up and lays you on the bed too.
You: Bryce!
Him and Jacob just laugh.
You: You better sleep.
He nods and Bryce hugs the both of you.
Bryce: Uhhh I love you two.
He says kissing your forehead and Jacob's.
Jacob: I love you too daddy.
You: Yup, we love you daddy. *imitating Jacob's baby voice*
He smiles and you all fall asleep. You wake up around 30 minutes later and see them both asleep. You smile at them and head outside you continue to help them until Bryce walks out the room too and hug you from behind.
You: What are you doing? *smiling*
Bryce: Nothing. *smiling and continue to hug you*
Anthony: You two act like an old couple.
You: Can all of you stop, I've been tiered for the past 2 years give me a break.
Griffin: Yeah, I wasn't used to having a little boy run around the house.
You all laugh.

*Skip to the party*
Everyone: Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday yo you!
Jacob makes a wish and blows a candle. You all cheer and dance.

Word count: 340

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