Chapter 36

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The talk with Avani: (still filming)
You: Okay it's cute I regret doing this.
Avani: No, you have yo do this.
You: Okay okay so I'm gonna think of something and by before lunch tomorrow, we're gonna surprise him.
Avani: Okaygreat I'm gonna come over tomorrow morning.
You: Okay.
You then hear Bryce with Blake inside your room.
Bryce: Where is she? Didn't she already com inside here?
Blake: Well yeah.
Bryce: She didn't even find me.
Blake: I don't know dude. *Blake starts to feel bad for Bryce so he text you*
The text:Blake-B You-Y
B: Hey, I'm starting to feel bad for Bryce.
Y: Ik ik me too, but I'm surprising him tomorrow, I'm not gonna talk to him for the rest of the day, that's the point.
B: Okay okay, this better be good.
Y: Ofcourse it is just wait.
B: Kay, we're going out of the room now where the hell are you anyway?
Y: bathroom.
B: Oh okay.
They go outside ur room and you and Avani go back in.
Avani: Okay I'm going to see you tomorrow.
You: Yeah, I'll text you if I need something for tomorrow.
Avani: Okay, I'm gonna make an excuse for them to not go in your room.
You: Mkay thanks.
She goes outside your room and goes to the boys.
Avani to Antony: Hi beb, we're surprising Bryce tomorrow. *whispers*
Anthony nods.
Avani to the boys: Guys Bailey isn't feeling well she's just resting but she's doesn't want anyone in her room for a while. They all nod except for Bryce.
Bryce: Did I do anything wrong to her?
Avani: No, no. She just isn't in the mood trust me.
Bryce: Ugh whatever I'm going to my room.
He goes in his room leaving everyone else in the living room.
Avani: We're surprising that guy tomorrow, maker sure he doesn't go out of his room in the morning unless Bailey's prepared everything.
They all agree and Avani goes home.
The next morning. You get up and think of surprising breakfast for Bryce and a movie day. You text Avani and tell her to buy ingredients for breakfast and that's what she does. She then arrives at the house and you cook breakfast for Bryce. After you cook, Avani and some of the boys distract Bryce in his room. You prepare the breakfast in a tray with a note that says: Hey, sorry for ignoring you yesterday, it's for yet :) but anyways... after you eat please go to my room!! I loved your gifts yesterday too. I love you, remember that please!
You: I'm gonna set up something in my room so we can watch movies. Just the two of us.
Avani: Okay okay just hurry.
You: Yeah I will.
You go to your room and arrange the surprise for Bryce.

Word count: 478

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