Chapter 34

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Skip 6 months.
You and Bryce are happier than ever. You are living your best life with all your friends. You started posting on YouTube. You still have a different room than Bryce to prevent things from happening ;). Anthony and Avani got together. So did Blake and Indiana and a few more.


You were at a water park with all your friends and having fun. Once again with the little boy that seemed to be your son. Everything was going great until.....

You got up by your alarm which was weird because you don't set your alarm anymore. You went to the bathroom but then you saw insects everywhere. You screamed and started to panic you ran out of your room but then fell because of the plastic on the door. Soon Bryce ran up to you giggling a little holding a camera. He was with Blake.
You: Ugh I hate you guys so fucking Mach *while crying*
Bryce: Bubs I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you like that.
You: Ugh go away!!!
Bryce: I'm sorry *he was kinda stopping his laugh but eventually gave in*
You: Get out!
Bryce carefully walked out with Blake and you stayed in your room. You got into your room and dressed up and fixed yourself. You knew that it was for a YouTube video so you decided to call Avani.
You: Hey.
Avani: Hey what's up?
You: Bryce pranked me good, I'm getting him back.
Avani: What happened?
You told her.
Avani: So what are you planning on?
You: Ignoring him for the whole day.
Avani: Oooooohh I like that, I'm telling the girls and we can plan everything, I'm coming in 5 minutes.
You hung up and eventually Avani came. You called Griffin to tell him the plan, he agreed on it and helped by setting up cameras around the house. You soon called Blake and he said that he would keep Bryce busy to not suspect a thing. They told the other boys what was going on too. Soon the girls came so you went downstairs.
Bryce: Hey bub where you going?
You pretend like you didn't hear him (you brought your camera with you). You walked to the door and Kio saw you.
Kio: Oh hey where you guys going?
You: Girls day.
Kio: Oh okay, have fun!
You: Thanks!
You and Avani went outside to row girls.
Meanwhile inside
Bryce: What the fuck just happened? I asked her the same question and she didn't even say goodbye to me.
Kio was like: 🤷🏻‍♂️

Word count: 430

REINCARNATION - Bryce HallDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora