Broly then stepped forward with a small blade and stabbed him in the eye, leaving it there to stick out of the socket. "This is for coveting my wife and for setting your sights on our family."

Vegeta and Goku exchanged a glance with each other, curious about their cousin's backstory about his wife and the former don they knew nothing about before Goku stepped forward with a serrated knife to slice both of Frieza's Achilles tendons. "This is for thinking you could run from our family."

With nothing in hand, Raditz stepped forward and grinned widely at the tiny man who sat in front of him before pulling out his gun from the back of his pants to shoot both of Frieza's kneecaps. When he moved to return to the spot he occupied before, he noticed all eyes were on him as he shrugged. "What? No one told me we needed to bring a knife or a reason to this joyous celebration with Friezy here. I just wanted to bust some kneecaps and only brought a gun like a normal member of a mafia syndicate. You guys are the weird ones, carrying fucking knives around like it's normal – newsflash, it's not." Raising his hand as if he were making a toast, Raditz said, "To our family."

Chuckling, the group of men shook their heads as Majin Bejita stepped forth and pulled down the gag to pull out Frieza's tongue, cutting it off and shoving it back into his mouth before replacing the gag back to its original position. "This is for all the lies you've told to me and to our family." Majin Bejita spat on his face before stepping back.

And finally, Vegeta stepped forward, plunging a knife deep into the heart of the man he hated with all the fibers of his being. "This is for taking my father, who I loved more than anyone away from me, for hurting every member of this family in some way or form, and for attempting to take the love of my life away from me. This is for our family."

With the knife embedded into his chest, Vegeta stepped back to stand with his family as they watched the blood pour from Frieza's wounds until the light left his eyes.

Vegeta turned to his cousins. "Cut off his fingers and send them to the remaining families that were under Frieza's care then burn the body. Let's give them a little scare before we kill them all and take everything he worked so hard to get for his family."


A few weeks later...

Sicily, Italy: Goku & Chichi's wedding day

"Why do they need a flower boy when there are less than a dozen people here?" Bulma whispered as Vegeta bounced a happy Trunks on his thigh.

"Just watch, and you'll see, woman."

"Okay~ But why Raditz? And is he wearing a fanny pack?"

As the soft music played, cueing Raditz to walk down the aisle, he grinned widely as he unzipped the pack attached to his hips before confidently making his way down – throwing the petals as if he were 'making it rain.'

Bulma couldn't keep her laughter at bay as she snorted, drawing the attention of her new family members as their laughter and cheers filled the air, and she was glad they were enjoying themselves after so much heartache over the last few months and the hardships they endured during the last few weeks as they seized everything that belonged to Frieza and his family.

"Was that Chichi's idea or Raditz's?"

"Both. They wanted everyone to have a fun time, and what better way than letting Raditz be Raditz."

When the music changed, all those that attended Chichi and Goku's wedding stood as they watched Chichi being walked down the aisle by Nappa until she was given away to Goku.

Once the beautiful ceremony ended and everyone gathered to congratulate the newly wedded couple, Bulma couldn't keep her eyes off of the tiny woman tucked protectively against Broly.

"She's smaller than I thought and still can't see how she doesn't end up in the hospital after they have sex," Bulma whispered to her husband. "He's at least three times her size."

He chuckled. "He would never do anything to harm her in any way because he loves her more than his own life and will do everything in his power to prevent her from being hurt."

"Hmm, sounds familiar. It must be a trait in your family."

"You could not ask for a better family to marry into than ours, woman."


On the dancefloor, as Nappa played with their son, Bulma and Vegeta were wrapped in each other's arms as they swayed to the soft music of the twelve piece orchestra hired for the night.

"I can't believe you closed the entire hotel to the public so Chichi and Goku could have a private wedding here."

"Anything for family, wife. How could I deny such a simple request from Chichi when this particular branch of the hotel is special to all of us since it is the one we all met in for the first time? Which reminds me... How would you feel about adding CEO to your title?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about the hotel chain. I bought it because of you, and I must admit, I am not apt enough to run it properly, but I know you could do great things for it."

"You're giving me the Capsule Corp. Luxury hotel chain, like all of it? Even the international ones?"

"Yes, and I understand it'll be a lot to undertake, but we can hire anyone you desire to help you run it, that is, if you want it."

"Of course, I do!" Pressing herself more fully into him, she laughed as he spun her around.

"Think of it as an early birthday present."

Pulling back, Bulma beamed up at Vegeta. "I can't believe it's been almost 365 days since we met. It feels as though it's been thousands."

"Which also reminds me of the deadline I gave you... Bulma, the love of my life, will you give me your final answer? Have you fallen in love with me within the last 365 days, and if you have, will you remain by my side forever, or do I need to release you so you can go back to the life you had before we met?"

Cupping his face, she trailed her thumb down his strong, regally shaped nose before brushing it against his full lips – his mouth opening to nip at her finger playfully. "A lot has changed for us in the last 365 days. We met under interesting circumstances, fell in love with each other, found out you have a twin brother, got married, had a healthy baby boy together, and got rid of a tyrant who thought he could take everything away from you and your family, our family."

"You forgot to mention all of the sex we've had in so many places and positions." Vegeta chuckled as his eyes lowered to her cleavage before slowly lifting them to stare lovingly at her.

"Behave, 'Geta~"

"And if I don't want to?" he growled in her ear as he pressed his erection into her before he repeated the words he had said to her in what felt like a lifetime ago – his hand sliding up her side to wrap his large hand seductively around her throat. "You may think me a gentle man, Bulma, but don't provoke me."

Bulma released a sound that was a mixture between a laugh and a moan as she smiled. "It's a good thing I taught you how to be gentle for me because I love provoking you."

The chuckle that rumbled in her ear made her shiver as his lips brushed against it. "And it's a good thing you also like it when I'm not a gentle man, but answer my question, woman. Will you stay, or do I have to let you go with no strings attached?"

"You're crazy if you think I could ever leave you now – not after everything we've been through."

With a smirk, he lowered his lips to hers for a brief kiss. "Good because I can't wait to see what other adventures await us in the next 365 days and beyond."

365 Days | Vegebul 🖤💙Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu