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The next day, the two students missed their first period class to discuss what was to be done. In the end, Eri knew what she wanted to do.

Todoroki walked her to the front office of the school where she confessed that she was a spy for the League of Villains. Eri was brought to the authorities, along with All Might and Aizawa, where she explained everything truthfully—from where it began with Overhaul to the present when she spoke with Todoroki in U.A. The only time she wasn't truthful was when the police asked her where the League's secret hideout was. Eri said that they changed it everyday so that they wouldn't get caught and gave a fake address. In actuality, the bar would always be the League's hideout.

Eri wanted to clear her name, but she wouldn't force the League to do the same. She hoped that they didn't see her actions as betrayal, but she was sure that they would be shocked. And probably hurt.

I'm sorry Shigaraki, Kurogiri, Toga, Dabi, Twice, Spinner, and the others... I wish I could've given you all a better goodbye, but I don't want to be surrounded by negativity and pain anymore. I want to forge my own path now.

Eventually the decision was made that Eri was cleared of all charges since she was a minor who was put in a very unique and unfortunate situation. However, she was not to remain in class 1-A, which had already been foreseen.

"Who would've thought my student was a spy?" Aizawa commented to himself as he walked her to the nurse's office. He was still grappling with the newfound knowledge.

"Well, sensei, you're a good teacher, because if you hadn't partnered me up with Todoroki, who knows what would've happened to all of us?" Eri complimented.

Aizawa hummed. "Things turned out for the best. And Eri?"


"Don't feel pressured to say yes to Recovery Girl. This is your life. You can be whoever you want."

Eri smiled brightly at him. Yes, she was free in the fullest sense now. She was no longer a prisoner to fear. Her fear of Overhaul, her quirk, and heroes were not completely gone, but they were eased immensely, because she knew the truth now and she had good people to help her.

Like Todoroki. "Okay, sensei."

Aizawa stayed behind when Eri entered the nurse's office.

There sat the old lady at her desk. Eri felt like a different person seeing her now.

"Good morning, Eri. How are you feeling?" Recovery Girl asked. "I know things have been very difficult and life-changing recently."

"Good morning," Eri greeted. "I'm actually doing pretty well."

"Oh, what a relief that is to hear," the woman said.

Eri twirled a piece of her hair awkwardly as the lady typed a few things in her computer for a moment.

"Now, dear, I know hero work is the last thing you want to think of right now, so I won't take up much of your time," Recovery Girl assured. "I just want you to know that my offer still stands for you to be my successor if you're willing to train and learn to use your quirk, but of course, I don't want to stress—"

"I would love to learn from you, Recovery Girl," Eri said all of a sudden, with a smile of her face.

The nurse looked at her, surprised. "Oh! W-wonderful! But why the sudden change of heart? Last time, you wanted nothing to do with it."

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