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Eri hunched over her bed, packing her clothing into a suitcase.

Tomorrow was the day she moved into a U.A. dorm. It was... terrifying. A member of the League of Villains like herself entering the greatest hero school in Japan as a "transfer student?" It was a bizarre, foreign experience, but it had to be done. A mission was a mission, especially if All for One ordered it. Not that she cared the slightest bit what that monstrous man thought of her. Eri was only doing this for Shigaraki.

Eri loved Shigaraki, and pretty much owed him for where she was now. Shigaraki, unfortunately, highly looked up to All for One, so Eri couldn't make Shigaraki look bad by refusing to do this mission.

It was just that... heroes were bad. They hadn't saved Eri when she needed them; they were fake and selfish; they pick and chose whose quirks to like; and above all, they were dangerous.

Eri had to be careful. She didn't want to get hurt, and of course, she couldn't hurt someone with the curse of a quirk she had that did more bad than good. No one needed to get hurt if she was guarded and focused.

Keep an eye on Midoriya Izuku, suspected successor of All Might.


Before Eri headed to her and Shigaraki's apartment to rest before the big day, Dabi stopped her at the bar hideout when there were only the two of them left.

"Be careful out there, Eri," the scarred man warned as he put his hand in the pocket of his jeans and slouched against the wall. "The heroes are suffocatingly self righteous, and they'll try to convince you that we, the 'bad guys,' deserve prison or worse. They'll say we're maniacs and monsters, and I won't lie, some of us are, but they fail to realize that they are too."

Eri nodded. She's heard this many, many times from various members of the League. "I know, Dabi. Thank you." She appreciated the concern, though, since it was rare for Dabi to show any. She didn't really know much about the man at all, really, because he had only been in the League for a little over a year, but he had helped her get over her fear of using her quirk enough to control it the smallest bit, so that she wasn't completely 'powerless'. (As if she wasn't the best at hand to hand combat out of the whole League.)

Dabi's quirk was extremely dangerous, and so was Eri's, so they had that in common. Eri had a connection with the villain and trusted his advice for that reason.

"Yeah, 'course you do. You've got Shigaraki reminding you every five seconds," Dabi scoffed, his gaze lazily drifting away from Eri. "I don't know what the heroes did to make the guy a total manchild, but we've all got our own problems. That's why we're all in this Leauge, with the dumbest name they could've come up with by the way."

Then, Dabi's blazing blue eyes snapped back at Eri. "You've heard this and that about the heroes well enough, but I've seen the truth of the hero society firsthand."

Eri sharply inhaled and straightened up her posture tensely. This was her first time hearing about this information. "Like... how? If it's okay to ask..."

Dabi's lips stretched into a cold, bitter smirk. "How, huh? Well, I thought it was obvious." He poked the purplish skin around his cheek. "You catch my drift?"

Horror and sympathy struck Eri in the heart. She staggered forward, a hand hovering over her mouth. "Oh, Dabi, I—I didn't know—I'm so sorry—"

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