"Yes," Dahlia's words got caught on the sob in her throat. "I saw him - tied to a chair, he -"

"Bloody hell, you really do see his dreams," Ron looked at her, horrified yet reverent. He was unnervingly pale as well, constantly pacing and rubbing his hands up and down his arms as though he couldn't get warm.

"Her saving Dad wasn't proof enough?" Fred snapped, helping Neville deposit her into the chair Harry had previously occupied.

"We have to tell someone," Ron rasped, glancing around the room for reassurance. Their small group was glancing uneasily amongst themselves. Ginny and Hermione stood towards the back, side by side. All the boys had gathered around Harry - Neville, Ron, Fred and George appeared behind everyone, eyebrows knit with worry as they surveyed the solemn group.

"Fuck that, we have to go save him!" Harry snarled, whirling angrily to Ron.

"Mate, what if it's a trap?" Ron argued, folding his arms and glaring angrily back at Harry. "You want to risk all our lives on something we don't know is true?"

"How would you feel if it was your dad?!" Harry bellowed, giving Ron a rough shove back. Ron snarled, his hands curling into fists as he took a menacing step towards Harry.

"Stop it!" Dahlia pushed her way in between the boys, glancing furiously between them. "We have bigger problems. Harry, Ron is right. We need to tell someone. That dream... the black smoke at the end... something was off about it."

"We have to go save him!" Harry roared, grabbing her wrists again desperately, shaking her.

"Merlin, Harry, if you don't calm down I'm going to go save him by myself and you're going to sit here like a petulant child since that is how you want to act!" Dahlia snapped, jerking her wrists from his grasp.

Hermione gasped behind her; the entire Gryffindor common room went silent as Harry heaved. Finally he exhaled noisily and glared at Dahlia. "What do you propose then?"

"We need to get in contact with someone from the order," Ron said immediately, coming to stand next to Dahlia - his unexpected ally.

"There's no bloody time! Umbridge monitors all the posts, we don't have any floo powder, and we haven't got time to fly anywhere!" Harry's voice was rising again, desperation obvious in his tone.

"What about McGonagall?" Hermione whispered, looking hesitantly at Harry as though worried he might have another outburst.

"What about her?" Harry asked sharply, turning to face Hermione.

"Well, she's in the Order, isn't she?" Hermione asked impatiently. Harry's eyes opened wide, and suddenly he was on board.

"Right - brilliant, Hermione. We need to get to McGonagall." Harry was on his feet, moving towards the door. He paused at the portrait, glancing to Dahlia. "Well, are you bloody coming?"

Dahlia nodded, following him without hesitation. Heavy dread filled her, but she followed Harry out of the portrait. Something about this felt off. They scurried down the staircase, Harry jerking her down random back passageways to avoid Prefect and Inquisitorial Squad members until they reached the Medical Wing corridor. McGonagall's living quarters were across from Madam Pomphrey's, on the first floor. Dahlia and Harry sprinted to the door, skidding to a stop and knocking furiously.

"Professor!" Dahlia called urgently through the door, banging her fist against the wood. "Professor!"

A door opened behind them, hinges squeaking. Dahlia and Harry spun around to see Madam Pomphrey, grey hair around her shoulders, dressed in a plain, ankle length, white nightgown.

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