Magmaine's Ledge

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Tanith sat, angry, but she sat.
"One more of these... If this... You are well out of line!" He screamed.
If only they had given the role of Master to some other goon who could actually get his words out or speak sense, but poor Tanith had to sit through around another minute of this until she was on the floor and bloody.
"I am sorry," she said.
If only she knew it wouldn't help her now.
"What-sorry- you are sorry!" Okay that arrived quicker than expected, usually the Master takes a bit longer, but what does this world know of time!
The man came closer to the cold stone where Tanith was planted, making sure that she could see the long weapon attached to his waist.
"Yes, I am sorry," she spoke louder this time, but he just stared at her in disbelief.
"Stupid girl!" the whip finally landed.
She screamed, the pain, as I know it, was blinding.
"You have a choice!" The leather hit again, this time drawing blood.
"I am sorry!" She cried.
"Silence!" Tanith screamed again, her back arching and her spine shaking. "When you don't work, I don't get paid!" The whipping halted, but that didn't stop dear Tanith from dropping to the floor, almost masked in her own young blood. "I work damn hard for the money I have, girl!"
Tanith hesitated for a second as she slid further down onto the copper smelling floor. "It's not you who is doing the working!"
She sneered at him, making sure to lift her eyes to meet his.
"You are lucky we don't have enough slaves in camp this month, or you would be standing on Magmaine's Ledge, staring death in the face!" He dropped to the floor, taking Tanith's face in his scarred hands.
"I am not scared of death!" She shouted.
"What about pain!"
Tanith's face contorted in disgust. "I am no stranger to suffering, as I am here aren't I , talking to you, another stupid member of the Crown! Once she hears that I am here, she will find me and destroy Knisk's royalty and end slavery!" The Masters grip on her face tightened. " I and the others will be free! Free from you, free from death and pain and suffering-" Tanith cringed as the Masters right hand hit the side of her face, but she refused to show the man her tears.
"You will be put to death in the morning," he whispered into her ear.
"What if I kill you," Tanith now spoke with a scary amount of calm.
" I am your Master, " he shouted.
"I am not yours for I am innocent!" She braced herself for a second slap, which came unsurprisingly quicker and harder than the last. Tanith only allowed herself to grunt as her face reddened. "I will never be owned, and anyone who claims so will be found dead, like the Crown when I am done!" Tanith could already hear soldiers rushing towards her with batons, whips and metal, ready to take her.
She already knew her fate now, but it was finalised when she heard the Master screech "Treason!"
And with one final breath just able to reach her lungs, Tanith felt something hard against her head.

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