" Of course but the great Changbin's sister ?"

" He really fell for it, huh ? "

" Maybe he's desperate for me. What a poor guy, tsk tsk. He doesn't know that it's all just a fake love. But you know what, Changbin ? I finally felt when a man confesses to you and it was...I don't know how to express it. "

" Are you kidding me, Y/n ? Before you turned being that violent, many boys tried to court you ! Even Lee Know and Felix are head over heels for you ! But of course, that's the past..."

" Sorry, don't remember that. "

" Don't worry, you did a very good job. No wonder you really are my sister... "

" All thanks to you, Changbin-oppa. We'll slowly bring him down together. "

" That's my sister... "

" Oppa, I gotta go now. I'll give you some updates more ! Bye ! "


" Y/n ? Will you go downstairs with me ? "

" A-Are you sure, Sunghoon ? "

" Yeah...Father wants to have a conversation with us. "

" Okay... "

" Y/n...who would've thought that my son will be like this just because of you ? "

" S-Sir ! I promise ! What you're thinking is wrong ! I didn't do anything to him... "

" Don't worry, Y/n. I'm asking this not because I don't like you for Sunghoon...to be honest, I was thinking if the two of you will be together someday. "

" O-Oh...t-thanks, Mr. Park. I never expected this... "

" So Dad...are we a couple now ? "

" Of course, Sunghoon. For the past 19 years, you never had a girlfriend so this is a good start for your future !"

" Thank you, dad ! Thank you so much... "

After that, Y/n decided to go to her room and Sunghoon decided to follow her.

" Y/n, since I'm now you're boyfriend...we must know each other more, okay ? It's a part of our life...I need to know yours and you'll know what's mine. But don't worry, I'll not force you to speak. If you feel that it's the right time to speak, I'm here. "

" O-Okay...thanks. "

" I'll go now downstairs, okay ? Take a rest now... " he said as he pecked Y/n's cheek.


" Changbin-oppa...it's a success ! I'm officially in a relationship with Sunghoon ! Unfortunately, we have to know about each other more. What do you think ?"

" That's nice, Y/n ! That's my sister ! Don't worry, just continue to fool him until he dies, still believing in the lies that you said. Y/n, I'll be giving your mission since you're more close with Sunghoon... "

" Game... "

" We'll do this together. Later at 12 in the midnight, we'll kill all the bodyguards there silently and-- "

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