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I read a book called 'Nothing' by @Grace_ShadowWolf, really good book, check it out! It's also when I realised I can have an OC and no one will judge me for 'bad' taste uwu

So, I was reading through some ancient religions and WW1 at the same time and I just thought what would happen if i don't know...a new empire was formed?

Name: Çekirdek* Imperial Empire

It is better known as the Central Empire, so officially the people are Çekirdekish, but as slang they are known as 'Centralis'

*Çekirdek means 'Core' in Turkish, as 'Core' is a synonyms for central.
It is also pronounced: Che-kurd-ik


The flag contains the symbols of it's official religions

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The flag contains the symbols of it's official religions



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