〖05: Stress〗

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• Cover By: ๓ℴm̫̫o̷i̲̲̅̅яõ̰b̶αℜᴀ
• All I own is Writing and Story Idea, flag design, do not question Aging and Aging Points, they just age by random, Historically inaccurate, Translations may be inaccurate

• I decided Country/Region/City/Town/Tribe/state/etc humans can be LGBTQ +, no matter the religion since they aren't really real? I mean the country/region/state/town/tribe/etc is but countryhumans aren't really, so deal with it.
Also don't even try calling me Haram, and no hate to any country, religion, tribe, culture etc, since I'll delete the comment. Don't like that? Deal with it.

The Çekirdek Imperial's North is MUCH different from the south.
In the north of the north, they speak German, while south of the north, they speak Hungarian.
Down in the North west of the south, they speak Turkish, while the rest speak Arabic, but a small majority in the north in the Armenia speak Armenian, and in the areas surrounding the Zagros and Taurus mountains are the Kurdish speakers*, while a small majority in the west speak Hebrew.

*In the Kurdish speaking part, north of the Kurdish part speak the Kurmanji dialect while the south of that region speaks the Sorani dialect, the difference between them is that one uses the Latin alphabet.

Also, sorry for not posting, my Wattpad has also been a bitch to me, so how things are dispalyed may change!

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«5:01PM, October 1916, Festetics Palace, Keszthely, Austro-Hungarian Empire»

Austria, Çekirdek and Hungary grew more and more concerned for their father. He had become so stressed, and they had heard that their other 2 fathers were in a similar state.
Because of that they couldn't see him when he formed his flag, and he would have to wait till his next birthday to see them.

Besides that, Çekirdek was fluent in German and Hungarian.
His siblings were returning to school, so he was alone in the house. He would wonder round, despite being a small child or just stay beside his father in his office.

He waddled round, looking for his father and he walked into the room to see him with a serious face talking to a woman in nice clothing with a horizontal bicolour of black and yellow.

"Apu! ki ez?" (Dad! who is this?) He chirped, waddling over and hugging his father by his legs.

"Çekirdek, mit keresnek itt?" (Çekirdek, what are you doing here?) He nervously smiled.

"Unatkoztam!" (I'm bored!) The child grumbled, letting go and looking up at him.

"Hmm... Ausztria-Magyarország. Ki ez?" (Hmm... Austria-Hungary. Who is this?) The lady snapped.

"A fiam. Most, mint mondtam, nem vágyom arra, hogy segítsek az Ön személyes szükségletein, szükségem van a pénzre az emberek és a háború számára." (My son. Now, like I said, I don't want to help with your personal needs, I need the money for the people and the war.) He growled.

"Mit?! Nem vagy házas! Ennek a dolognak- "(What?! You are not married! This thing-) She was disrupted by a slap to her face.

"A fiam herceg. Hívd őt „dolognak", és nem fogok habozni tönkretenni téged és a családodat!" (My son is a prince. Call him a "thing" and I will not hesitate to ruin you and your family!) He snarled, as his son looked in shock.

"Tudod a szabályokat, neki nem szabad királyi címet viselnie!" (You know the rules, he shouldn't wear a royal title!) She shouted.

"Akkor ez azt jelenti, hogy fiunknak nincs szüksége királyi címre, mióta elváltam tőled!" (Then that means our son hasn't needed a royal title since I divorced you!) The empire yelled.

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