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Y/n and Nanami were in the car, on the way back to the school. She turned her head to look at him, shaking her head, "You are an idiot." He was holding a cloth on his bloody wound on his abdomen.

"I am no thing such." He pushed his glasses up, going to say something else, but Y/n spoke.

"Okay, fine," She tilted her head, scrunching her shoulders up, "but you should have had me come with you and you wouldn't need to have treatment from Ieiri-san right now... and we wouldn't have to deal with the person again."

"Someone needed to supervise Itadori-kun." He stated, moving slightly, making him take a sharp breath of pain.

"Kyotaka could have supervised and I could have helped you." She suggested, turning the wheel with her palm.

"The past is in the past. Let's just focus on getting me to the magic college alive." He groaned lightly, tilting his head at the road.

"Like you'll let yourself die from that." She smiled, putting her focus on the road.


Y/n and Nanami arrived at the school. She helped him to the medical examiner's room, letting the examiner take over from there. She pulled out her phone, going to text Itadori.

Where are you?

Leaving Junpei's place

And trying to find a bus

Stay there. I'm coming to
get you. What's the street?

She got the street and headed out the door of the school. She went to the car, going to find Itadori. She drove with the radio playing low. She saw a figure sitting on the sidewalk with their head resting on their knees.

She rolled down the window as she pulled up close to them, "Yo, Itadori, come on."

"Y/n." He stood up quickly, going around to the other side of the car.

He got in, shutting the door as she asked, "You still hungry?"

"Actually, yeah." He answered, nodding.

She pulled back onto the road, "Good, 'cause I'm starving. Nanami interrupted my meal time. So how'd it go with Junpei?"

"Good. His mom invited me back to eat with them." He replied, looking out the window as she pulled into the parking lot of a restaurant, "She got drunk pretty quick so she passed out."

"Ah. What do you think about him? Could he possibly have any magical power?" Y/n questioned as she parked the car. She turned off the ignition, leaning back to listen to him.

"I don't know. Maybe."

"If he is..." She paused, opening the car door. He did the same, now both of them stood on either sides of the car. "he's doing a pretty good job at hiding his power."

Itadori nodded, then followed after Y/n as she walked towards the restaurant. It was kind of late; around 9 at night. They walked into the restaurant, taking a seat at a booth, sitting across from each other. There isn't that many people here.

"Do you think he has magical power?" Itadori questioned, crossing his arms on the table.

"It's a possibility." She shrugged her shoulders, watching as a waiter walked towards them.

"Hi, how are you guys doing tonight? What can I get you to drink?" The waiter had cheery voice and happy smile.

"Water." Y/n answered, looking at Itadori for his answer, "Um, Coke."

"Alright." The waiter turned on his heels, going to get their drinks.

"Is it hard for you to conceal your power?" Itadori tilted his head, awaiting an answer.

"No, not once you get used to it. Which, speaking of, we still need to teach you how to conceal yours." She stated, kicking up her feet in his lap.

"You–" Itadori stopped as another voice started to speak, "You can teach me anything." Y/n recognized the sly voice as Sukuna. Looking up she saw Sukuna's mouth on Itadori's cheek.

"You can't be out right now." She told him, leaning forward as Itadori put a hand over the mouth. The mouth appeared on his hand. "We're in public."

"There is barely anyone and it's kinda dark in here. No one will see me." Sukuna countered, making Y/n roll her eyes. She looked up, seeing the waiter coming towards them again. She quickly grabbed Itadori's hand, making sure to cover Sukuna's mouth.

"Don't you try anything, Sukuna." She scowled quietly.

"Here are your drinks." The waiter said as he set down the drinks on the table. "You guys ready to order?"

"Beef steak." Itadori said proudly.

"Same as him." Y/n nodded at the boy, then back at the waiter. The waiter nodded, then took off to tell the cook and collect more orders. She took her hand off, noticing her hand felt a little wet from Sukuna's saliva, "Ew."

"Well don't put your hand over my mouth." Sukuna retorted, smirking a bit.

"Can't you leave? Let us eat in peace." Y/n groaned, rubbing her temple with two fingers.

"Fine. Fine." Sukuna started, "But just so you know, I'm slowly finding out about your secrets." And with that he was gone, disappearing back into Itadori's body.


"What secrets?" Itadori asked, "Well, they're your secrets so I won't pry. But it'd be nice to know." He rambled on, trying to think about what secrets she would have.

"I don't know what secrets." Y/n spoke softly, "It must be a secret from me as well." She sat there the rest of the meal thinking about what secrets she could have. She drove home thinking about it. She lulled herself to sleep thinking about the secrets.

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