Run Forest Ru- No, Stop

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Tbh this'll probably be horrible.


Percy POV

Run. That was the only thing going through my head as I bolted through Manhattan.

I had to get to the Empire State Building. It was so close, I could make it if I ran my lungs out. 

I made a sharp turn into an alley way and jumped on the crates and onto the roof.


Sirens wailed in the distance as the Police trailed after me. 

Stupid Laistrygonian Giant smashed an entire building before I killed it. Too bad I wasn't quick enough to leave the scene before the Police came.

I was so close, just a little further.

"You're not gonna make it cuz." I turned to see Hermes running next to me as I jumped off the roof and back on the streets. "And as much as I'd love to help you, the Fates said we can't interfere."

"What?" I asked, though it came out as more of a wheeze.

"'Pollo saw you first." He explained. "Notified the Olympians, but when Uncle P tried to mist the police, the fates stepped in, said this is what has to happen."

"Great." I grumbled and silently cursed the three ladies for putting me in yet another annoying situation. 

"We're with you Perce, we're watching, if you need us, pray," Hermes told me.

I nodded, "Thanks Herm, hopefully this'll be resolved quickly." and with that, my cousin disappeared and I jogged to a stop.

The sirens engulfed me as the police cars came to a halt in a semi circle around me.

four Police officers stepped out of the car, guns aimed. "Hands in the air and knees to the ground!"

I sighed, this will be a long day.


Apollo was looking down from his sun chariot, trying to find a hot mortal to spent the night with. What? He restrained himself for a whole week!

A loud crash caught his attention when he was over Manhattan. His gaze moved over to the noise, finding a bulky Laistrygonian Giant, trying to smash something. Well, besides the building that is.

A closer look confirmed his suspicions. Only one demigod lived in Manhattan, his little cousin. He didn't worry though, Perce had taken down bigger things than a stupid, clumsy Laistrygonian. He took down Hyperion within ten minutes.

30 seconds later, the monster was gone, essence retreating back to Tartarus. He smirked again as he saw his cousin cap his sword and pick up his bag. A bag that contained Zeus knows what. But then Percy stopped, and he dropped the bag and sprinted.

The sound came to Apollo a few seconds later . The sound of sirens - police.

He watched the cars chase his cousin down the streets before he turned on the autopilot in his chariot and flashed off to Olympus.

When there, he called a meeting. Everyone flashed in, from Athena and Zeus first, to Hermes and Ares last.

"What is the meaning of this meeting Apollo?" his father asked. 

Artemis studied his brother's panicked look closely. Something was wrong, something big if it had Apollo worrying. The only time he has that look on his face is if someone he cares about is in trouble. 

Percy had told her just how panicked Apollo had been when she had been captured by Atlas. Even breaking the rules to help them find her. Yes, someone was in trouble.

Apollo prepared for Poseidon's reaction as he waved a hand in one swift motion, showing a scene in the Hearth. Poseidon stiffened at what he saw, anger filling his eyes.

"The mortals have no idea what they are doing." He muttered, then turned to his brother, vulnerability in his eyes at the very thought of losing his only demigod son so soon. "Please brother. We have to stop those mortals, my son has been through enough."

Athena studied the scene before her. "He's heading for the Empire State building." She whispered. "Towards Olympus." 

Everyone looked towards the scene again. Hephaestus' brows furrowed. "He's no machine. He will tire eventually, whether that be before or after he reaches Olympus."

Hermes looked at the scene unfolding, dread curling his stomach. "We have to do something!" He turned to Zeus who refused to look at Poseidon. "Please Father, give us permission, we can mist the police and Percy can get on with his day."

Zeus thought about it for a moment before nodding to Poseidon. The god of the seas sagged in relief. 

As he was about to wave his hand though, three figures appeared in the throne room. The Moirai held out their hands. "Stop." they said in unison.

Zeus stood up eyeing the three figures. "Lady Fates." he said.

"Do not cloud the mortal's eyesights." The first one said, voice old and gravelly.

"Percy Jackson must go through this." The second one said, just as old.

"It is his fate." The third one said.

Despite his unease, Poseidon stood up, pain in his features. "My son has been through enough. Please, let him live his life."

The three Moirai shook their heads. "This must happen." The three said in unison before disappearing.

"Oh dear." Martha whispered.

Hermes' face was tight as he turned to Zeus. "Let me tell him," He started. "Let me tell him that there's no point in running his lungs raw, and." He paused. "and that we'll be watching him."

Zeus nodded, "And after you do so, be sure to inform everyone at the camps, as well as his mother."

Hermes nodded, and flashed away. Everyone watched, a minute later as Percy jogged to a stop, hands held up in surrender.

So this is like, the prologue or, whatever.

This idea kinda just shoved it's way into my head when I saw a police car drive past the park I was at. So let me know if I should continue or not or if you like it so far.

-Addi :)))))

Percy Jackson meets Loki and the Avengersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें