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Clarke's POV:

"You guys just go over there, I'm just gonna get us some food." Octavia points at an empty table with enough chairs for all of us.

As we walked over to the empty table Lexa and I's hands were intertwined, we sat down and explained everything that had happened at our time in Polis, to the time where we announced that we were a couple, to the night where Skaikru became part of the coalition.

I was so concentrated telling the story that I hadn't notice that people had been staring at me and Lexa. It just dawned on me that we haven't announced our relationship to Skaikru. I look back at Lexa and guessing from her nervous facial expression she had noticed that too. I reassure her by giving her a smile and rubbing my thumb on her hand while we were holding hands.

"Yessss finally! The foods here!" Raven yells eagerly.

Octavia puts down the plates gently trying not to drop them. The food here isn't the best since the cooks haven't had much experience cooking meat. On the ark we never had any meat we only ate veggies and fruit that had grown in our farm up in space. I was surprised at the fact that Lexa thought there were animals up in space.

As we began to eat I heard a voice screaming down the hall "She's here!" It was very faint so I couldn't really tell who was screaming so I just kept on eating.

"Princess! Ahhhh it's so good to see you! How are you?" Bellamy yelled in surprise at the entrance of the cafeteria.

I walk up to hug him "I'm doing so good! How are you?"

"I'm doing well now that your here!" Bellamy says with a big grin on his face.

"Clarke! Clarke!" Two more people yelled in the distance, it was Monty and Jasper waving their hand at me running in the hall towards the cafeteria.

"Hey guys! How are you? It's so nice to see you!" I say eagerly with smile on my face.

"We're doing the best! How was Polis?"
Monty asked in a curious tone.

"It was absolutely amazing! Come join us Raven, Octavia and Lex- oh I mean the commander are there!" I lead them to the table where we were sitting. I had forgotten that I didn't tell anyone that Lexa and I were dating so it'd be weird if I said her name instead of commander.

"Grab some chairs over there" I pointed at an empty table with chairs sitting by them.

They come back and put the chairs by the table. "Hold on I'm just gonna get some food I'm kinda hungry. You guys want some?" Bellamy asks Monty and Jasper.

"Nahh it's ok we already ate an hour ago" Jasper responds.

Bellamy gives a thumbs up and heads off to get some food. Me and Lexa fill them up on what's happened at Polis and how the coalition has been strong.

"And there's one more thing we have to tell you guys." I say.

"Tell us what?" Bellamy asks curiously with his plate of food in his hand.

I look at Lexa to make sure it's ok to tell them, she nods in agreement.

I take Lexa's hand and take a deep breath "Lexa and I are dating." I say proudly.

"Yes! Yes! I knew it! Aha! You owe me ten bucks!" Raven points at Octavia. Octavia gives an eye role.

"Raven cmon you already knew this when they first came here. They literally called each other babe." Octavia says in defense.

"Yea, yea i know but that doesn't stop you from giving me the ten bucks, we made that bet a long time ago, now hand it over." Raven has her hand out expecting Octavia to give her the money.

"Alright alright here you go" Octavia eye roles and takes out the money from her pocket and hands it to Raven.

"Hold on Hold on, so you guys made a bet! If we were gonna date or not!" I ask in surprise.

"Duhhh have you guys seen yourself? Your practically lovebirds!" Raven says.

I don't talk back knowing that she's right and can't blame herself for telling the truth.

"Wait, wait. You guys are dating now?" Bellamy asks still in shock.

"Awww that's awesome guys! I knew it." Monty says with a proud expression on his face.

"Well, we knew it." Jasper responds pointing his thumb at himself and Monty with a pleased face.

"Woah, woah you didn't answer my question." Bellamy's face still in shock.

"Yes Bellamy we are dating." I grin looking back at Lexa with a shy smile on her face.

Bellamy responds with a surprised expression, but I didn't care as much because I was looking into the eyes of the love of my life.

"Oh, yea, yea, cool cool" Bellamy finally responds.
"Ummmm shoot hold on guys, I totally forgot, I have to uhh tell Kane something, I'll see you around." Bellamy waves goodbye as he walks quickly out of the cafeteria.

"Ummm sooo that was awkward." Octavia breaks the silence. Everyone nods in agreement.

"Oh! Clarke, how long are you going to stay here. We're planning on partying tonight just us and Miller and Harper of course, they're not here right now, although they wish but they're on duty." Raven presumed.

"Well we were actually planning on staying here for a few days, maybe even longer because of the girl we brought in." I explain.

"Alright cool so you up for tonight? Also what girl?" Monty asks out of curiosity.

Right before I respond I was interrupted by my mom. "Commander? Clarke? I don't mean to intrude but can I speak with you for a moment?"

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