Chapter 1 - My name is Audri Day

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My name is Audri Day and I am currently pretending to be asleep in a strangers bed. I know, it's not the most interesting way to start up this story, so let me rewind back to the hours before that led me to my current situation.

At 9 pm I am standing in my bedroom, hoping up and down, shimming on a tight little black dress that I completely regret buying.

"Audri baby, you dressed?" A voice from outside my bedroom door that I can recongize as my best friend.

"Almost. I can't get this damn zipper.." I say through my teeth. Awe yes zippers, they will forever be my worst enime. Hearing a soft knock on my door before it open and in walks my best friend Max. 

"I am here to save the day Ms. Day." He smirks at his little pun before coming over to where I'm standing in front of my full lenght mirror. "Maybe this is a sign from our heavenly father that I shouldn't of bought this and I sure ass hell shouldn't be wearing it." I say.

Feeling Max coming up behind me, he flicks my back with a force. "Ooouch! What the hell was that for?" I turn to look at him. "You're doing that thing you always do." Max replies, grabbing my shoulders and turning me back around to face the mirror in front of me.

"And what is the thing that I'm doing smart-ass?" I ask over my shoulder. He doesn't say anything as he grabs the end of the zipper and beings to move it upwards, getting stuck right in the middle of my back where my bra clip meets and I start to feel Max struggling. "See, I told you it wasn't going to fit. And before you say anything, yes I am sucking it in." I respond but he continues.

"See, that's the thing that you do. You're filled with self-doubt that you let a little issue like this with a dress get you in a up roar." Max says, tugging on the zipper with force. "But little do you know that you just need a little tug.." He pulls on the zipper, getting my attention as it starts to move upwards on my back to the end. Completly zipping up the back on my dress. "To get you in the right fit of things." He says, as I stare at my reflection in the mirror, looking at how much the dress fits me just right and showing off all my curves.

"Now Audri," Max says behind me. "Tonights your 24th birthday and you're not going to spend it in your sweatpants, curled up on the couch watching the ID channel."

I can't help but smile at that since he knows me so well, since that's how I spent me 22nd birthday and now he made it his personal mission to make sure I never spend my birthdays alone, at home watching Web of Lies on ID.

"Knock Knock!" A very cheerful voice that can only belong to my friendamie MaryAnn. "Hello hello party people!" She says happily. "I called you both to let ya'll know that I'm here but nobody picked up so I just let myself in."

"There's a reason no picked up your phone calls.." Max mumbles under his breath and I quickly elbow him. 

"Sorry, we were both busy getting ready and we lost track of time." I say quickly, hoping she didn't catch what Max had said.

MaryAnn smiles. "Alrighty then, well If you two are both ready then lets get going." She turns to leave out the room but stops. "Oh and Audri, that dress looks really good on you. It really just keeps..everything together. If it were any other colour it just wouldn't of worked. Boobies look great though." She turns and a leaves the room. Leaving both Max and I dumbfounded.

"I can't tell if that was a compliment or a dig." I say turning to Max as I hand him my necklace. I hold up my hair as he puts it on.

"Diffently a dig." He says and I nod agreeing. "Why do you even hangout with MaryAnn anyways?"

I sigh. "And here we go.." I say, walking over to my closet to grab my black heels. Already knowing where this conversation is going.

"I'm serious Audri, all she ever does is give you back handed compliments. Plus she's so self-centred, everything has to be about her." Max leans against my dresser. "What are you trying to say Max?" I ask.

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